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7,864 library_records found

ผลการค้นหาสำหรับ: library_record

  • Vietnam: The State of Internet Censorship

    Vietnam is one of the countries with the strictest surveillance in all aspects. Internet censorship is one of the methods used by the government for national security. Freedom...

  • Cambodia: The State of Internet Censorship

    Online news sites and other websites are periodically blocked in Cambodia, particularly those that disseminate information that could be perceived as a threat to the ruling...

  • Thailand: The State of Internet Censorship

    The reports provide information on the network landscape and internet penetration levels, its legal environment with respect to freedom of expression, access to information and...

  • The education youth and sport performance in the academic year 2021-2022 and goals for the academic year 2022-2023

    The Ministry and stakeholders have achieved significant accomplishments, such as increased enrolments in all school levels, in particular the nine-year basic education...

  • Project fact sheet: Strengthening informal economies and SMEs in Cambodia through open data and digital literacy

    This project will empower members of informal economies like women and indigenous peoples (IPs) with enhanced digital rights, budget literacy, and policy training to understand...

  • Webpage capture of relevant information about Ventura Leatherware MFY (CD) Co., Ltd.

    This webpage capture is the reference for labor incidents dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.

  • Webpage capture of relevant information about Nagaworld limited

    This webpage capture is the reference for labor incidents dataset. It contains news articles from local and international newspapers.

  • Report: 2011 results & 2012 work plan - general department of mine resources

    This content had detailed information of 2011 work achievement of Department of Mine Resource, Ministry of Industry, Mine and Energy; and of 2012 work plan. In 2011, the...

  • Company Overview of Astra Resources Plc

    Bloomberg's website has published overview of Astra Resources Plc, engaging in mining iron ore, coal, and other steel making commodities. Its mining operations include thermal...

  • Notice of Establishment of Commercial Enterprise: Va Ly Heng Peanich Group Co., Ltd.

    This screenshot document is about detailed information of Va Ly Heng Peanich Group Co., Ltd. registered in the ministry of commerce. The information is posted on the ministry's...

  • Notice of Establishment of Commercial Enterprise: Wing Srun Co, Ltd

    This screenshot document is about detailed information of Wing Srun Co, Ltd registered in the ministry of commerce. The information is posted on the ministry's website and ODC's...

  • Mineral companies in Cambodia by EISEI network

    The list of the mineral companies was compiled and updated in June 2012 by EISEI network. All of the information were originally collected from mining provincial departments of...

  • Report on Mining Sector in Cambodia

    The report is prepared to study the Mining Sector in Cambodia. By 2012, there has been approximately 60 mining companies got the license to explore on the land concession...

  • Notice on amendment of memorandum and articles: Cement Chakrey Ting Factory Co.,Ltd

    This screenshot is an amendment of memorandum and articles of Cambodia Cement Chakrey Ting Factory Co.,Ltd. The registration was done with the Ministry of Commerce. The Chairman...

  • Business registration: Sino Create (Cambodia) Investment Co., Ltd.

    The section showed information about initial registered form of Sino Create (Cambodia) Investment Co., Ltd. as a Private Limited company to Single Member Private Limited company...

  • Company Profile of Ratanak Kenertec Resources Ltd

    Ratanak Kenertec Resources Ltd has registered its business registration at Ministry of Commerce in Cambodia as the private limited company. The business objective of the company...

  • Business registration: OKSAN (Cambodia) Inc.

    This screenshot provides informaiton of OKSAN (Cambodia) Inc. The company was registered at the Ministry of Commerce. The Chairman of this company is Mr.Park Wa Jin. The address...

  • Kenertec Takes over Rovieng Iron Mine in Cambodia

    This Kenertec website showed information about government-private sector cooperation and the relationship between Cambodian and Korean governments to push forward enabling...

  • Asian Framework on Indigenous Knowledge and Data Sovereignty

    The Indigenous Knowledge and Data Sovereignty (IKDS) Asian Framework was developed by the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and their extended networks and partners to...

  • The implementation of a census and the issuance of temporary license plates for sea fishing vessels in the coastal provinces of the Kingdom of Cambodia

    The sea fishing vessel census is an important activity in the main plan to prepare the registration and issuance of fishing permits for all sea fishing vessels. At the same...

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