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96 library_records found

บทความ: Gender

  • Highlights from Open Data Day 2024 and National Open Data Conference 2024

    Both events demonstrated a strong commitment to diversity and inclusivity, successfully integrating perspectives from various groups and sectors into the core discussions.

  • A feminist participatory action research study of breaking the silence

    This research seeks to break the silence surrounding sexual consent, particularly in a culture where women are pressured to remain virgins until marriage and are frequently...

  • Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region

    Truly gender equitable land policies and laws require equal say for all in shaping the legislation that will affect their rights and access to land. Numerical parity among men...

  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022

    The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022 provides a detail overview of a wide range of statistical areas across ASEAN including population, education, health, employment,...

  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021

    The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021 covers data for the period of 2011-2020 comprising of sections on ASEAN population, education, health, employment, macroeconomic performance,...

  • Outlook on Gender and Land in the Mekong Region Brief

    The Outlook on Gender and Land in the Mekong Region (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam) identifies strategic priorities to meaningfully strengthen gender-equitable land...

  • Gender analysis tools

    This table shows the Gender analysis tools.

  • Gender-based violence training

    Banteay Srei Organization developed and prepared this slide presentation for the training on Gender-based violence. There are many topics, including​ 1.) General concepts of...

  • Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Plan for Civil Society Strengthening (CSS) Project

    This GEDSI Plan is developed to ensure GEDSI priorities are mainstreamed into all CSS’s work,​including grantees’ scopes of work (both design and implementation) that advance...

  • Sustaining Cambodia’s development miracle - what next?

    Cambodia has travelled a long distance on its development journey – (growth, human development, poverty reduction, gender equity, healthcare, and education). But the distance...

  • Cambodia women report 2004: A brief on the situation of women in Cambodia

    This report has indicated that there are many obstacles on the road to complete empowerment for women in Cambodia. At times the study has sought to highlight the despicable such...

  • Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and its optional protocol

    Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is often referred to as the “women’s rights treaty”. This is deliberate because, although all...

  • Gender and REDD+: an assessment in the Oddar Meanchey community forestry REDD+ site, Cambodia

    The importance of integration of gender in sustainable forest management has been proven through decades of research and experience. By contrast, consideration of gender in the...

  • Monitoring aid effectiveness from a gender perspective: Country report Cambodia

    This Cambodia country case study on Monitoring Aid Effectiveness from a Gender Perspective was part of a broader international study led by UN Women and supported by the Office...

  • Women and men in Cambodia

    This is the fourth edition of a booklet on "Women and Men in Cambodia" produced by the Gender Statistics Team led by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) of the Ministry...


    A gender analysis is a systematic process used to identify, understand, and describe gender differences and the relevance of gender roles, responsibilities, rights,...

  • The profile of demographic and gender dividend of Cambodia

    The document depicts the research about the policy research undertaken by the General Secretariat for Population and Development of the Ministry of Planning, in collaboration...

  • Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector in Lao PDR

    This Country Gender Assessment (CGA) was commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in October 2017 as a way to gauge Lao People’s...

  • Figures on ethnic minority women and men in Vietnam 2015-2019. From the findings of Surveys on the socio-economic situation amongst 53 Ethnic Minority Groups 2015-2019.

    The report Figures on Ethnic Minority Women and Men in Viet Nam 2015-2019 presents gender analysis and highlights gender outcomes, and provide policy recommendations for gender...

  • Gender statistics in Vietnam 2020

    The book presents gender statistics according to various topics, such as: Population, family, education, health, labour and employment, and leadership and management....

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