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ชื่อ Labor migration in the greater Mekong sub-region - synthesis report : phase 1

Migration has been occurring in the GMS for centuries, largely in an informal and unregulated fashion. The GMS Labor Migration program, launched in June 2005 as part of the World Bank's overall GMS regional assistance strategy, sought to address some of these key knowledge gaps. The objectives of this multi-year GMS Labor Migration program are to: (i) improve knowledge about labor migration in the GMS focusing on the socio-economic impact of migration on sending and receiving countries; (ii) raise awareness about these issues and their significance for poverty reduction at the highest levels of policy making; and (iii) strengthen the capacity of governments and development partners to refine and implement a regional system to facilitate and regulate labor migration. This report is one of multiple outputs of the first phase of that program and gives findings on migrations patterns, economic role of immigrants, country by country data, migrant living conditions, and policy agenda.

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