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ชื่อ Study on ethnic minority participation in 2012 commune election: Eight selected communes in northeast Cambodia

This project seeks to understand what has been done in the past and what can be done in the future to promote ethnic minority rights in commune elections. In so doing, KID study factors that encourage or discourage ethnic minority people's voting through an interview survey in sampled communities. KID assumption held that these selected people have little Khmer language ability and knowledge about election therefore they may experience difficulty, draw a lower turnout than general Khmer communities, and are vulnerable to influence. KID found that their assumed barriers did not generally influence a lower turnout in ethnic minority than a usual Khmer community.Despite the fact that not many know about candidate and procedure through media, many people did go to vote. The data shows that meeting in person is the best means of ethnic minority people informed. The data indicates the need for electoral education: Bilingual, gender and youth.

  • ภาษาอังกฤษ