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1.123 datasets found

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  • Arsenic concentration hotspots in Cambodia (2010)

    This vector dataset provides the arsenic concentration hotspots in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodia Well Map database. Data were provided to ODC in raster format by Save...

  • Dams in Cambodia (2008)

    This dataset is included geographical locations of dams and types of dam such as earthen, levee and masonry. The data is released by Department of Geography, the Ministry of...

  • Flood-prone areas

    This dataset shows the flood-prone areas in Cambodia and other Mekong countries from Surface Water Mapping Tool which is an application allows for calculation using a...

  • Battambang provincial land use plan for 2030 vision

    This map is a plan for the land use for Battambang province in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Services delivery at health center

    This dataset shows information about the public services such as outpatient consultation services (mother, newborn, child and reproductive health services; communicable diseases...

  • Employment and Unemployment Rates in Thailand, 2017-2020

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  • Phone numbers of public departments of hospitals

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  • Myanmar Public Health Departments - Focal Persons List

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  • Location of Phnom Penh water supply authority payment branches

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  • SDG 4

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  • Individuals using the internet

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  • Maternal Mortality Rate (2020)

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  • Adolescent Fertility Rate

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  • SDG 5.2 and 5.4

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  • Food prices in Cambodia

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  • School closures in the Mekong Region

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  • Số lượng chuyến bay trong năm 2020 tại Việt Nam trong thời gian đại dịch COVID-19

    Đại dịch COVID-19 đã ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng tới đời sống, kinh tế của những người dân toàn cầu nói chung và Việt Nam nói riêng. Ảnh hưởng của nó cũng được thể hiện thông qua việ...

  • Tỷ lệ trẻ em dưới 5 tuổi bị suy dinh dưỡng năm 2018 phân theo địa phương

    Tỷ lệ trẻ em dưới 5 tuổi bị suy dinh dưỡng năm 2018 phân theo địa phương được đánh giá theo tiêu chí cân nặng, chiều cao và cân nặng theo chiều cao. Đơn vị tính là phần trăm.

  • Ten Indigenous Groups in Thailand

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  • Special Economic Zones Thailand (July 2020)

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