State of Corruption: The Top-Level Conspiracy Behind the Global Trade in Myanmar’s Stolen Teak
The forests of Myanmar are defined by their monetary value and have been part of the military and economic elites’ profits and, in some cases, survival for decades. The entire...
Lao PDR Disaster Management Reference Handbook 2017
The Disaster Management Reference Handbook Series is intended to provide decision makers, planners, responders and disaster management practitioners with an overview of the...
Agro-Ecological Regions of Myanmar
The zonation is based on three factors, each reflecting physical constraints on agriculture: altitude, slope, rainfall, and nutrient availability. The Ago-Ecological Zones are...
EITI Report for the Period April 2013- March 2014. Oil, Gas and Mining Sector
Myanmar joined EITI upon instructions from its President at the end of 2012. Myanmar submitted its application to become an ‘EITI Candidate’ country to the EITI Board in May...
State-owned Economic Enterprise reform in Myanmar
This report consists of state-owned economic enterprises (SEEs) and how they play a dominant role in Myanmar's economy. SEEs often monitor private sector companies’ compliance...
Key biodiversity areas (KBA) and important bird areas (IBA) of Cambodia (2013)
This asset provides boundaries of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) in Cambodia, the development status and priority status of each and whether each KBA is a BirdLife...
Khu bảo tồn và di sản thiên nhiên thế giới
Bộ dữ liệu khu bảo tồn và di sản thiên nhiên là bộ dữ liệu được khoanh vùng các khu vực được chứng nhận là khu bảo tồn dữ trữ sinh quyển, khu bảo tồn vùng đất ngập nước thuộc ch...
Gene-ecological zones of Cambodia (2003)
The dataset provides map boundaries of around 10 different zones that can be delineated and that each zone can be characterized and differentiated on the basis of its...
Rice ecosystem map for Cambodia
This vector dataset provides the locations of rice ecosystem types in Cambodia, as given by the International Rice Research Institute's (IRRI) Cambodia-IRRI Rice Project. Four...
Climate change vulnerability in Cambodia (2010)
This dataset provides a climate change vulnerability index value for each province in Cambodia, as determined by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia, a...
Community forests in Cambodia (2013)
This asset contains the location and status of applications for community forestry status in Cambodia in 2013, given by the Forestry Administration. Geographic data is encoded...
Thổ nhưỡng Việt Nam
Thổ nhưỡng Việt Nam bao gồm sự phân loại thổ nhưỡng theo sự phân loại của FAO. Sự phân loại của FAO được phân chia theo tính chất của đá mẹ, điều kiện thời tiết và địa hình.
Soils types of Cambodia
Soil polygons. Attributes include: type of soil (FAO classification – full name), abbreviations, found in ‘FAO, 1988. FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World Revised Legend, with...
Geographical relief of Cambodia
This dataset describes the georelief (elevation) of Cambodia. Data were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas Working Group.
Greater Mekong Subregion rivers
A geospatial dataset mapping river systems in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Attributes include: name of river, name of basin, name of sub-basin, Strahler number.
Assessment of undiscovered copper resources in Cambodia
Deposits, prospects, and permissive tracts for porphyry and sediment-hosted copper resources Cambodia, with estimates of undiscovered copper resources. Copper resources are...
Eastern plains protected landscape (EPL) in Cambodia
This dataset describes the eastern plains landscape (EPL), which covers an area over 30,000 square kilometers and spans four provinces (Ratank Kiri, Mondul Kiri, Kratie and...
Wetlands in Cambodia
This dataset contains information of land areas and location of wetlands in Cambodia which was downloaded from World Food Programme GeoNode (WFPGeoNode) using data in 2013 from...
Mạng lưới thủy văn
Các sông suối tham gia mạng lưới thủy văn.
Protected areas and forests (2013)
This datasset provides boundaries, land size and status of protected areas in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. Data were provided...
You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).