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406 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Forest policy and administration

Kết quả lọc
  • Forest Watch Special: FLEGT VPA Update June 2018

    This update discusses the importance of protecting forest resources through robust efforts rooted in broader strategies linked to the European Union's development and climate...

  • The Environmental Conservation Law 2012 (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 9/2012)

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • CSO's View on FLEGT VPA Process in Myanmar: Challenges and Opportunities

    This presentation provides forestry sector updates and an overview of forestry issues and forest governance issues in Myanmar, such as land tenure and transparency. The...

  • Luật Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam 2017

    Luật này quy định về quản lý, bảo vệ, phát triển, sử dụng rừng; chế biến và thương mại lâm sản.

  • Voluntary Partnership Agreement Between the European Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance And Trade

    VPA is a legally binding trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Vietnamese government. Under the VPA, Vietnam develops Timber Legality Assurance Systems (TLAS) to...

  • Commercial agriculture expansion in Myanmar: Links to deforestation, conversion timber, and land conflicts

    This report collates quantitative and qualitative data on the expansion of agribusiness in Myanmar’s forests and analyzes the role that laws and policies, and revenues generated...

  • Chain Saws Act, B.E. 2545 (2002)

    The reason for the proclamation of this Act at the present time is for the conservation of, and to maintain, the current Forest resources, especially through the prevention and...

  • Stronger forest and farm producers’ groups can help deepen Myanmar democracy

    The briefing is about the role of stronger forest and farm producers’ groups in promoting the democratization in Myanmar. This could be successfully implemented through two...

  • Forest policies in Asia – a regional synthesis

    Historically, the main objective of forest management was timber production. Although forest policies and forest management objectives diversified and expanded long before the...

  • National Forest Policy Review: Thailand

    Forestry policies do not last long and lack continuity. Some problems are solved temporarily but emerge again in the future. If policies are not incorporated into the national...

  • Forest Law 2018

    Forest Law 2018 as amended, repeals the 1992 Forest Law.

  • Informational Basis of Policy Judgments: The Case of the Royal Forest Department of Thailand

    This report presents a preliminary analysis of policy formation in the area of forest management in Thailand. Despite its remarkable record of industrialization and economic...

  • The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Thailand Readiness Plan Idea Note (R-PIN) Template

    The purpose of this document is to: a) request an overview of your country’s interest in the FCPF program, and b) provide an overview of land use patterns, causes of...

  • Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act B.E. 2535 (1992)

    To amend the law on wildlife conservation and protection.

  • Decree On Sustainable Management Of Production Forest Areas No. 59/2002 [Lao PDR]

    This Decree covers the identification, establishment, management and use of Production Forest Areas (PFA) and the key principles for monitoring the implementation of sustainable...

  • Ministerial Regulation Concerning Labour Protection in Agricultural Work B.E. 2557 (2014)

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Recommendations from Thailand’s Civil Society Organizations for the Revision of the REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) for Thailand

    The recommendations given in this document were developed during the consultation workshop entitled. “Promotion of Equity in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest...

  • Comments on Draft report on Myanmars National REDD+ Strategy

    In March, 2018, the Myanmar REDD+ program released its National REDD+ strategy draft report. Forest Trends has provided the following comments to the report authors in hopes...

  • Forest degradation in Cambodia: An assessment of monitoring options in the central cardamom protected forest

    To assess monitoring options in the CCPF, a conceptual framework was developed, which includes three steps: 1) define biomass reference for monitoring in each forest strata of...

  • ITTO Strategic Plan 2013-2018

    International Tropical Timber Organization's strategic five-year plan.

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