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263 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Agriculture

Kết quả lọc
  • An examination of policies promoting large-scale investments in farmland in Cambodia

    The article aims to capture the status quo, more than ten years after the adoption of a new Land Law and almost seven years after the promulgation of the relevant Sub-Decree on...

  • Power in People: Cambodia ActionAid Strategy Paper 2013-2018

    From 2013 to 2018 ActionAid is committed to advancing three strategic objectives and delivering on ten change promises. Each of their objectives falls under the banner of their...

  • Hydro basins level 6: Mekong

    Hydro-basins provide hydrographic data layers that allow for the derivation of watershed boundaries for any given location based on the near-global, high-resolution SRTM digital...

  • Agricultural Land Reform Act B.E. 2518 (1975)

    This Act improves concerning rights and holding of agricultural land, including allocation of places for living on such agricultural land, whereby the state...

  • Graduation from Least Developed Country Status: The 5th National Human Development Report

    The 5th National Human Development Report (NHDR) examines different facets of underdevelopment in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) that classify it as a Least...

  • Rice: The fabric of life in Laos

    A report about the challenges and achievements of the rice sector in Laos. The report covers the challenge of establishing a reliable supply of rice in Laos, the challenges of...

  • Guide to biodiversity in the farmscapes of Lao PDR (Lao version)

    A Lao translation of a handbook about farmscape biodiversity in Laos. The handbook is intended to provide a brief overview of the special habitats in each region of the country...

  • Climate Smart Agriculture in Laos

    Lao PDR is highly vulnerable to climate related incidents such as floods and droughts. SNV is working to increase rice farmers’ productivity by increasing their resilience to...

  • Agrosilvopastoral systems in northern Thailand and northern Laos: Minority peoples’ knowledge versus government policy

    Traditional agrosilvopastoral systems have been an important component of the farming systems and livelihoods of thousands of ethnic minority people in the uplands of mainland...

  • Guiding principles towards responsible agricultural investment in Lao PDR

    A discussion note from Mekong Region Land governance (MRLG) summarizing findings and recommendations of a multi-stakeholder initiative and study tour conducted in Southern Laos,...

  • FAOSTAT country profile - Lao Peoples Democratic Republic

    A profile of the Lao People's Democratic Republic by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Data is provided on economic indicators; food, nutrition and...

  • Circular No. 88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT guiding the Government's Decree No. 12/2006/ ND-CP of January 23, 2006, detailing the Commercial Law regarding international goods trading and goods agency, trading, processing and transit with foreign parties in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector

    This Circular provides contents, order and procedures for the export and import of goods subject to specialized management by the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector.

  • Land acquisition, investment, and development in the Lao coffee sector: successes and failures

    Looking at the coffee sector in Laos, the authors of this article explore dimensions of the land grab debate that have not yet been sufficiently examined. Coffee concessionaires...

  • An Agricultural research article: Cambodia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization and Its Impact on Agriculture

    The purpose of this Note is to explain the reasons why Cambodia joined the World Trade Organization ("WTO"), show the difficulties the country will have to overcome in order to...

  • Factors affecting forest area changes in Cambodia: An econometric approach

    A journal article aiming to clarify factors affecting forest area changes. The authors analysed the relationship between various socio-economic factors on deforestation in...

  • Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Agriculture 2015

    Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Agriculture 2015

  • Knowledge Capitalization on the Conservation Agriculture Development Fund in Sayaboury Province, April 2015

    Between 2001 and 2009, the four districts of Boten, Kenthao, Paklay and Thongmixay in southern Sayaboury Province have been targeted by two AFD-funded projects dealing with...

  • The report analyzes agriculture and forest ecosystems of Houn district in Oudomxay province

    This report is to provide information on the effects of analysis and identification of ecological and forest ecosystems in the city, especially socioeconomic data and...

  • Gender roles in managing forest resources and living in rural areas

    This report is the result of research on the topic of "gender roles in forest resource management and rural livelihoods", the Center for Gender and Development for Women, the...

  • Lao Agriculture Dev Strategy 2010

    Lao PDRMinistry of Agriculture and ForestryStrategy for Agricultural Development2011 to 2020Final DraftVientiane15thSeptember, 2010Sector Framework, Vision and GoalsAgriculture...

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