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154 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Biodiversity

Kết quả lọc
  • Case study: the Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Programme

    A presentation on the Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Programme. The presenter gives an overview of the project, which aims to strengthen capacities for conservation and...

  • Ethnobotanical investigation of 'wild' food plants used by rice farmers in Kalasin, Northeast Thailand

    Selected results from a study of wild food conducted in several villages in Northeast Thailand. Authors provide a complete botanical inventory of wild food plants from these...

  • Ethnomedicinal plants used for digestive system disorders by the Karen of northern Thailand

    This study aimed at documenting the plants used to cure and prevent different types of digestive system disorders by Karen people of Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand....

  • Tonle Sap information guide (environmental education)

    A guide providing environmentally-focused information on the Tonle Sap Lake. Section one provides basic information and frequently asked questions. Section two covers protected...

  • Use of indigenous knowledge for conservation and development of fishing career at the Lampao Dam in northeast (Thailand)

    This study examines the development background of the Lampao Dam, Thailand, and the use of ingenious knowledge for conservation and development of fishermen’s careers. The area...

  • Capacity building in biodiversity and impact assessment, training workshop on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for biodiversity conservation

    A report of a training workshop on strategic environmental assessment for biodiversity conservation, held in Thailand in October 2006. The workshop was organised as part of the...

  • Strategic environmental assessment of mainstream dams: Mekong fisheries and mainstream dams

    This report is the fisheries section of the Mekong River Commission Strategic Environmental Assessment of hydropower on the Mekong mainstream. Part one of this document provides...

  • Conservation in tropical South East Asia: Proceedings of the Conference on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Tropical East Asia, 1965

    Proceedings of the Conference on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Tropical East Asia, held in Bangkok, Thailand, November 29 - December 4, 1965. Includes...

  • Resolutions and recommendations: World conservation congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November 2004

    This document contains the list of resolutions and recommendations considered or adopted at the World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November, 2004. In total 80...

  • The environmental and social impacts of Lancang dams

    This research brief focuses on the downstream impacts on hydrology, fisheries and sedimentations caused by the Lower Lancang cascade in China. Manwan and Dachaoshan were the...

  • The role and nutritional value of aquatic resources in the livelihoods of rural people, a participatory assessment in Attapeu Province, Lao PDR

    The report of an assessment of the nutritional value of aquatic resources in livelihoods of people in Attapeu Province, Laos. A participatory assessment was conducted to...

  • The Great Mekong and climate change: Biodiversity, ecosystem services and development at risk

    A report about the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystem services and development in the Greater Mekong. The first part of the report describes changes from...

  • Investigations into tortoise and freshwater turtle trade in Vietnam

    A research report detailing investigations into the tortoise and freshwater turtle trade in Vietnam. The study focused on local and export use of live animals and products....

  • Climate solutions: WWF's vision for 2050

    This WWF report seeks to answer the question: “Is it technically possible to meet the growing global demand for energy by using clean and sustainable energy sources and...

  • (Cambodia) Fourth national report to the convention on biological diversity (draft)

    The draft of Cambodia's fourth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The report describes key actions taken in relation to the Convention's three...

  • Identification and documentation of underutilized crops in Mondulkiri Province with emphasis on socio-economic aspects

    Cambodia, especially Mondulkiri province, is rich in PGRFA. Local traditional crop varieties ( landraces) known to be under-utilized have not been completely replaced with...

  • Imperiled giant fish and mainstream dams in the Lower Mekong Basin: Assessment of current status, threats, and mitigation

    This document outlines the impacts of the Xayaburi dam on five of the Mekong’s largest fish and provides a short discussion about potential impacts to other threatened and...

  • Strategies for biodiversity conservation in the Lower Mekong

    A PhD thesis exploring the nature of conservation and development interventions in forest conservation areas of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, and the factors influencing these...

  • Third national report to the convention on biological diversity, Cambodia 2006

    Cambodia’s third national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity rprovides an overview of the status and trends of biological diversity in Cambodia. The report ranks...

  • National biodiversity strategy and action plan, Cambodia, 2002 (Khmer version)

    Khmer version of Cambodia’s national biodiversity strategy and action plan 2002. The strategy was prepared as part of Cambodia’s obligations after ratifying the Convention on...

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