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407 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Forest policy and administration

Kết quả lọc
  • National Reserved Forest Act B.E. 2507 (1964) and Revisions

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • National Park Act, B.E. 2504 (1961)

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Forest Act B.E. 2484 (1941)

    To modernise the law on forests;

  • Linking FLEGT and REDD+ Processes in Practice

    The European Union’s FLEGT Action Plan – which aims to reduce trade in illegal timber -, and REDD+ constitute two recent international forest regimes. Since the aims of the...

  • The recognition of customary tenure in Lao PDR

    This study begins with a broad overview of customary tenure arrangements in Lao PDR, followed by a discussion of key policy changes over the past 30 years that have impacted on...

  • Update on Thailand's VPA and Legal Reforms

    This presentation is from the 6th Sub-Regional Workshop Meeting on Timber Legality Assurance. It provides an update on the FLEGT voluntary partnership agreement in Thailand,...

  • Cambodia Readiness Plan Proposal on REDD+ (Cambodia REDD+ Roadmap)

    The Cambodia REDD+ Roadmap is a national plan for how the RGC wants to move ahead with REDD+ Readiness. Following initial stakeholder consultations in late 2009 and early 2010,...

  • Bộ Chỉ số Môi trường – Xã hội cho lập kế hoạch và thực hiện REDD+ cấp tỉnh, 2015

    Giảm phát thải khí nhà kính từ mất rừng và suy thoái rừng (REDD+) là một sáng kiến quốc tế tập trung vào vai trò của rừng như một giải pháp giảm thiểu tác động của biến đổi khí ...

  • The long road to timber legality Taking stock of the EU-Vietnam VPA timber trade deal

    Eight years of often intense negotiations between Vietnam and the European Union (EU) reached a milestone in Brussels on 19 October 2018. Federica Mogherini, the EU high...

  • The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Process in Central and West Africa: From Theory to Practice

    The present study is intended to document and foster strategic reflection in partner countries already engaged in negotiating a VPA – or those who will be entering into such...

  • Making Forestry Fairer: A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations Taking Part in FLEGT VPA Negotiations

    This guide is designed to help civil society organisations (CSOs) understand the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) negotiation process, explore ways to make the most of the...

  • Drivers of Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Lao PDR Country Report

    The main objective of this study was to review and analyze existing information on the drivers of change currently affecting Lao forests - including both negative and positive...

  • Impacts of the Laos Log and Sawnwood Export Bans

    In May 2016, the Government of Lao PDR enacted a Prime Ministerial Order (PM15) which, along with other commitments, aimed to help control the country’s high deforestation rates...

  • Underlying causes of deforestation in the Mekong region

    This paper discusses the relationship between deforestation and development, as well as causation in deforestation. The paper then describes the situation in the Mekong,...

  • Population Displacement and Forest Management in Thailand

    The objective of this paper is to enhance the understanding of the recent evolution of forest policies in Thailand, of which conservation-induced displacement (CID) has come to...

  • EU and Thailand hold 2nd negotiation on legal timber trade agreement

    Thailand and the European Union (EU) have held their second round of negotiations on a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade...

  • Programme of action for occupational safety and health in Thailand towards the 21th Century: An advisory report

    The rapid growth and diversification of industry and economic activity in Thailand in recent years has helped the Kingdom make remarkable progress towards prosperity. However,...

  • Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand

    The Thailand Civil and Commercial Code is the main body of laws that deals with the legal affairs and rights of private persons (natural and juristic persons). It contains areas...

  • Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in Thailand: Rapid Assessment

    Rapid urbanization and industrial growth have had significant impacts on Thailand’s natural environment. According to the State of the Environment for 2002 developed by the...

  • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifies Thailand’s chief logging agency

    In July 2001, Thailand’s chief logging agency, the state-owned Forestry Industry Organisation (FIO), received “sustainable management” certification of two teak plantations....

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