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316 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Climate change

Kết quả lọc
  • (11-29 September 2017) Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples

    The present report is submitted to the Human Rights Council by the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples pursuant to her mandate under Council resolution 33/12....

  • Ecosystem Profile: Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot

    This document represents the ecosystem profile for the Indo-Burma Hotspot, whichcomprises all non-marine parts of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, plus parts of...

  • The economic value of ecosystem services in the Mekong Basin: What we know, and what we need to know

    In green economies, natural capital is incorporated into measurement of societal progress and equity, and recognized and managed as a fundamental pillar of economic and human...

  • Climate and Health Country Profile - 2015: Thailand

    Thailand is a country of 67 million peoplea which, despite challenges, has had sustained economic growth since the late 1980’s.b After many years of progress Thailand has...

  • Declaration on Institutionalising the Resilience of Asean and its Communities and Peoples to Disasters and Climate Change

    Declaration to institutionalize climate change adaptation, and disaster risk reduction and management in ASEAN

  • Finance for Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific: A Regional Action Agenda to Access Debt Capital Markets

    Developing countries in Asia and the Pacific are historically the least responsible for greenhouse gas emissions that result in climate change, but are most vulnerable to its...

  • Second nationl communication on climate change of Lao PDR March 2013

    The goals of the National Climate Change Strategy are aligned with vision of sustainable development,poverty reduction,enhanced quality of the natuml environment, and...

  • Cambodian Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023

    The Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014 – 2023 (CCCSP) is well designed to fill the policy gap, complement on-going efforts and meet the emerging challenges of...

  • Guidebook on climate change financing to support sustainable land management (SLM) in Lao PDR 2014

    Guidebook on climate change financing to support sustainable land management (SLM) in Lao PDR 2014

  • Oddar Meanchey REDD+

    This dataset represents the community forest boundaries that combine to form the Oddar Meanchey REDD+ initiative. Data were provided to ODC by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas...

  • Gender and climate change adaptation training

    The training outcome is very satisfactory. Participants actively involve in the training activities and discussion. They contribute their knowledge and real-life lessons from...

  • Climate change in the lower Mekong Basin

    Report assessing potential impacts of climate change on the lower Mekong, tracking its possible risk for high-risk populations and ecologically vulnerable areas

  • Vùng đất ngập nước ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long, Việt Nam

    Bài thuyết trình về vùng đất ngập nước đồng bằng sông Cửu Long ở Việt Nam. Người trình bày thảo luận về môi trường sống, đa dạng sinh học và tầm quan trọng kinh tế của đồng bằng...

  • Climate change and hydropower development

    A training material by Joerg Hartmann on climate change and hydropower development published in May 2014 by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in...

  • Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment, Final Report

    The Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment was conducted by an international team of experts directed by the Natural Heritage Institute (NHI) under a formal agreement...

  • New sustainable energy development plans for governments of Cambodia and Lao PDR could save the Mekong River

    Press Release: [San Francisco, CA, April 2018] The Mekong River in Southeast Asia is the 8th largest river in the world, traversing eight countries with some 60 million people....

  • Biến đổi môi trường và di cư dưới tác động của biến đổi khí hậu đến vùng ĐBSCL Việt Nam

    ĐBSCL là vùng tận cùng phía nam của Việt Nam với diện tích 40.000 km2, dân số 17.56 triệu người năm 2017, vùng chiếm 18% GDP của nước, 90% sản lượng gạo xuất khẩu, 70% sản lượn...

  • Việt Nam: Tính dễ tổn thương với biến đổi khí hậu, phương án giảm rủi ro và thích ứng

    Hồ sơ quốc gia này (http://countryadaptationprofiles.gfdrr.org) là một phần của loạt tóm tắt về quốc gia ưu tiên do Tổ chức Toàn cầu về Giảm và Giảm nhẹ Thiên tai (GFDRR) đưa ra...

  • Cộng đồng rừng ngập mặn và Giảm thiểu rủi ro thiên tai tại Việt Nam

    Các vành đai rừng ngập mặn có vai trò rất quan trọng trong việc giảm thiểu tác động của thiên tai ở các vùng ven biển. Tuy nhiên, ba thập kỷ vừa qua, dưới sức ép của sự gia tăng...

  • The National Green Growth Roadmap

    The National Green Growth Roadmap envisions a combination of objectives for economic growth and development, human well‐being, and environmental quality, which will promote the...

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