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152 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Biodiversity

Kết quả lọc
  • Trading-off fish biodiversity, food security, and hydropower in the Mekong River Basin

    The Mekong River Basin, site of the biggest inland fishery in the world, is undergoing massive hydropower development. Planned dams will block critical fish migration routes...

  • Video on the loss of natural resources

    This video shows the loss of natural resources. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor Grants funded by...

  • Video on climate change is affecting communities

    This video shows the climate change is affecting communities. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor Grants...

  • Video on 15years Exploring Cambodia's Biodiversity

    This video shows 15years Exploring Cambodia's Biodiversity. The video is produced by Young Eco through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor Grants funded by USAID...

  • Video on factors that make loss of natural resources and biodiversity

    This video shows the factors that make loss of natural resources and biodiversity. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity:...

  • Diện tích rừng ngập mặn ở khu vực các nước sông Mekong từ 1996 đến 2020

    Dữ liệu diện tích rừng ngập mặn các nước vùng sông Mê Kông được trích xuất từ dữ liệu diện tích rừng ngập mặn toàn cầu của Bunting, P và các cộng sự. Dữ liệu này đã sử dụng bộ d...

  • National biodiversity strategy and action plan 2016

    The globally and regionally significant biodiversity values of Cambodia's rich natural resources are an essential part of our country's natural capital. Few places on earth...

  • Environmental magazine

    The environmental magazine presents the activities of the minister, the activities of the minister, laws and regulations, solid and hazardous wastes, images of rare animals, and...

  • Hydropower dam(1993-2020)

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  • Lower Mekong Countries Protected and Heritage Areas

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  • New Species Discoveries in 2020 in the Greater Mekong

    The Greater Mekong region is one of planet Earth’s most important biodiversity hotspots, highlighted by the endless number of new species discovered there every year. The...

  • Distribution of Seamounts within Myanmar's Maritime Limits

    This shape file shows the distribution of Seamounts within Myanmar’s maritime limits. Seamounts are large submarine volcanic mountains rising at least 1,000 m above the...

  • Terrestrial Ecoregion

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  • Thailand Permanent Forest

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  • Coastal strategy of Koh Kong

    The Coastal Strategy of Koh Kong province serves as a master plan in which it expresses the collective vision of Koh Kong citizens regarding specifically natural resource and...

  • Khu bảo tồn quốc gia Việt Nam

    Bộ dữ liệu khu bảo tồn quốc gia là bộ dữ liệu được khoanh vùng các khu vực được chứng nhận là khu bảo tồn thuộc quốc gia Việt Nam bao gồm: Vườn quốc gia, khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên...

  • National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan 2016

    The Ministry of Environment has developed the National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan with the purpose to fill the gaps in the implementation of efforts and respond...

  • Ảnh hưởng của hoạt động khai thác khoáng sản đến rừng và đa dạng sinh học 2015

    Báo cáo này tập trung vào các nội dung sau: - Các tác động của hoạt động khai thác khoáng sản đến tài nguyên rừng và đa dạng sinh học ở xã Minh Sơn; - Sự chia sẻ lợi ích giữa do...

  • Agriculture, natural resources,and environment initial sector assessment, strategy, and road map

    A report from the Asian Development Bank on the Myanmar government's plan for addressing priority needs in the agriculture, natural resources, and environment (ANRE) sector....

  • Floristic characteristics and affinities in Lao PDR, with a reference to the biogeography of the Indochina peninsula

    The flora of Laos is composed of 5,005 species in 1,373 genera and 188 families of seed plants. Floristic and geographical attributes of the flora were analyzed. Tropical...

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