National report on the final census result of the economic census of Cambodia 2022
This document contains general information about Cambodia's census for 2022, with figures at a glance. The purpose of this economic census is to compile basic statistics on...
Population census 2008
This dataset shows the population census of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2008, which shows the total population, total male population, total female population, total number of...
Economic census 2011
This dataset shows the economic census of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2011 by province, district and commune.
General population census of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2019 national report on final census results
The general population census of Cambodia of 2019 was conducted, as planned, by the National Institute of Statistics. This census is the fourth in a series of national censuses,...
Hiện trạng dân số Việt Nam 2011-2020
Dữ liệu thể hiện hiện trạng dân số Việt nam từ năm 2011 đến năm 2016. Bộ dữ liệu bao gồm các số liệu về: mật độ dân số, dân số trung bình, tỷ lệ giới tính, tỷ lệ gia tăng dân số...
Cambodia inter-censal agriculture survey 2019 (CIAS19) final report
The final report is the analysis of the survey results of the Cambodia Inter-census Agriculture Survey 2019 (CIAS 2019) from a sample of 16,000 agricultural households in 25...
1931 Burma Population Census
Part I.—The Report. Introduction. Chapter I.—Distribution and Variation of the Population. II.—Towns and Villages. III.—Birth-place. IV—Age. V.—Sex. VI.—Civil Condition....
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on the Older Population
Understanding population ageing is important because of the potential effects on the economic development of the country. The 2014 Census, the first in the country for 30 years,...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on Fertility and Nuptiality
Dữ liệu này không có mô tả
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on Education
The report notes that the Census showed that the national adult literacy rate was almost 90 percent, and although higher rates were reported for males (93 per cent) than for...
2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Figures at a Glance
This library records contain figures at a glance of 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census at Union, State/Region level.
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on Mortality
This thematic report presents the status of mortality based on the 2014 Census. The analysis shows that Myanmar has recorded declines in childhood mortality in the last three...
Cambodia inter-censal agriculture suvery 2019 (CIAS 2019) selection of thematic maps
The report of thematic maps selection of Cambodian agriculture shows more than 30 maps and corresponding charts showing the legal and ownership status of agricultural...
National report on census of agriculture 2013
The National Report on the Final Results of the Census of Agriculture in Cambodia (CAC) 2013 contains figures on the number of households engaged in agricultural...
Dân số Việt Nam
Các thông tin về dân số và nhân khẩu Việt Nam, ví dụ: Biểu đồ dân số Việt Nam 1950 - 2021, Biểu đồ tốc độ gia tăng dân số Việt Nam 1951 - 2021, Bảng dân số Việt Nam 1955 - 2021,...
Population census 1998
This dataset shows the population census of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 1998, which shows the total population, total male population, total female population, total number of...
Sub-decree no.151 on scheduling, preparation and functioning of the economic census of the kingdom of Cambodia in 2021
The economic census in Cambodia is set for March 1, 2021, the composition of the national census committee in the Kingdom of Cambodia 2021 shall be comprised of technical...
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