Drought monitoring in Cambodia
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UNICEF Myanmar 2023 situation reports: Humanitarian Action for Children
The UNICEF situation report presents the main reporting tool to monitor UNICEF’s humanitarian response. They provide an update on the situation and needs of children in a...
World Food Programme: Myanmar Situation Reports
WFP publishes various reports including situation reports, annual reports and etc. This dataset primarily shares the situation reports from 2020 to 2022.
Cambodia’s Early Warning System 1294: An Adaptable Technology Promoting Safety for All
Recognizing that the lack of flood information and warnings prevented families from preparing for floods, resulting in significant human and economic losses, People in Need...
Food security and diets in urban Asia: how resilient are food systems in times of COVID-19?
Vulnerable populations in urban areas globally have been among the worst hit by the global COVID-19 crisis. In South and South-East Asia, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased...
Hướng tới quản lý rủi ro thiên tai ở Việt Nam: Khuyến nghị dựa trên Khủng hoảng xâm nhập mặn và hạn hán và trường hợp đầu tư vào khả năng chống chịu lâu dài
Việt Nam là một trong những quốc gia chịu nhiều rủi ro nhất ở khu vực Đông Á và Thái Bình Dương, hạn hán, bão lớn và lũ lụt gây ra những thiệt hại nghiêm trọng về kinh tế và con...
Các điểm sạt lở đất trên toàn nước Việt Nam
Đây là bộ dữ liệu về các điểm sạt lở đất và các điểm có nguy cơ cảnh báo sạt lở đất cao trên toàn nước Việt Nam.
Royal Decree No.012 on the approval of the amendment on the ASEAN plus three agreement on emergency rice prepareness
This royal decree aims to approve the amendment of the ASEAN plus three agreement on emergency rice prepareness
Cambodia Disaster Management Reference Handbook 2017
This report focuses on country overview, disaster overview, organizational structure for disaster management, infrastructure, health, woman, peace, and security.
Cambodia Disaster Management Reference Handbook 2020
This report focuses on country overview, disaster overview, organizational structure for disaster management, infrastructure, health, woman, peace, and security.
[Draft] Disaster Risk Finance Country Diagnostic Note: Cambodia
This Disaster Risk Finance Country Note for Cambodia provides an overview of the current disaster risk financing instruments available to the government of Cambodia. It is based...
Law on the Management of the Nation in Emergencies
This law stipulates the mode for proceeding with and conditions for declaring a national emergency to maintain national security and public order and to protect the lives and...
COVID-19 crisis and the informal economy Immediate responses and policy challenges
At the end of April 2020, the number of COVID-19 infections had exceeded 2.8 million cases worldwide, with the death toll nearing 195,000, and 210 countries and territories...
The Global Emergency Overview_March 2016
The Global Emergency Overview (GEO) is a weekly update that provides a snapshot of current humanitarian priorities and recent events. Its primary objective is to rapidly inform...
Myanmar floods situation update #3
This is a situation update on the floods in Myanmar in August 2018.
SITUATION UPDATE No. 9 Effect of TS 11 (Son-Tinh) and Situation of Xe-Pien and Xenamnoy Dam, Lao PDR
Due to monsoon season and heavy rainfall brought by TS 11 (Son-Tinh), 762 villages in 55 districts of 13 provinces have reported flooding as of 1 Aug 2018. This is a situation...
Strong country capacity, improved tools and community engagement critical to enhancing dengue prevention and control
This article discusses the current rapid increase in dengue cases around the world and how countries can improve their capacity to respond to this.
Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control
The magnitude of the dengue problem has increased dramatically and has extended geographically to many previously unaffected areas. It was then, and remains today, the most...
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Lao PDR- Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience
The report examines climate impacts on livelihoods and is intended to be used as a tool to identify adaptation options for the most vulnerable livelihoods in Lao PDR.
You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).