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43 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Fisheries production

Kết quả lọc
  • Trading-off fish biodiversity, food security, and hydropower in the Mekong River Basin

    The Mekong River Basin, site of the biggest inland fishery in the world, is undergoing massive hydropower development. Planned dams will block critical fish migration routes...

  • Sub-decree no. 123 on determining dangerous fisheries

    This sub-decree identifies the types of freshwater and marine fishery products originating from endangered fisheries resources in the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect,...

  • Prakas no. 571 measures to protect endangered species

    This prakas identifies ways to protect endangered species in the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect, conserve and restore these resources.

  • Suitability mapping for integrated aquatic food production systems – Decision Support System User Guide

    The Integrated Aquatic Food Production Systems - Decision Support System (IAFP DSS) provides a standardised approach to suitability analysis, enabling decision makers and...

  • Greater Mekong Subregion hydropower dams (2016)

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Fish and Prawns Production in Myanmar

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • The Unsustainable Exploitation of Inland Fisheries Resources in Cambodia

    This is an archived webpage of a discussion paper on fisheries in Cambodia.

  • Strategic environmental assessment of the strategic planning framework for fisheries in Cambodia

    The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) addresses the Strategic Planning Framework for Fisheries 2010-2024 (SPF) and the National Aquaculture Development Strategy Policy...

  • Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams on Fisheries and Agriculture in Lower Mekong Basin

    This paper, however, discusses the fishery and agricultural sectors of the LMB and focuses on the downstream floodplains of Cambodia and Vietnam. The dam construction has caused...

  • Aquaculture Production

    The data is a subset of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics (2014), it is the only repository for global fishery data, regularly collects and analyses fisheries...

  • Trends of development of Myanmar fisheries, with references to Japanese experiences

    The report is about the trends of development of Myanmar fisheries with references to Japanese experiences. The report highlights the status of fisheries in Myanmar and Japan by...

  • Fish dependency in Cambodia

    This dataset describes the communal statistic of fish dependency rate in Cambodia. Dataset were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in vector format by Save Cambodia's...

  • Sản lượng thủy sản tại Việt Nam 2000-2017

    Dữ liệu cung cấp thông tin về sản lượng thủy sản của Việt Nam năm 2017 phân bố theo từng địa phương. Bảng dữ liệu bao gồm 4 cột dữ liệu lần lượt: “Nam” thể hiện thời gian, “Tong...

  • Sản lượng thủy sản khai thác củaViệt Nam 2017 theo địa phương

    Dữ liệu cung cấp thông tin về sản lượng thủy sản khai thác của Việt Nam năm 2017 phân bố theo từng địa phương. Bảng dữ liệu bao gồm 2 cột dữ liệu lần lượt: “Khu_vuc” thể hiện đị...

  • Thủy sản Việt Nam: Hướng đến phát triển bền vững

    Thực hiện cơ cấu lại lĩnh vực thủy sản đã tạo sự chuyển dịch đúng hướng trong cơ cấu ngành, cơ cấu sản phẩm. Hiện tỷ trọng giá trị sản xuất thủy sản trong tổng giá trị Nông-Lâm-...

  • Agriculture Data 2016 from Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Prod2

    This is the Agriculture data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This data has been reconfigured by MIMU.

  • FAOSTAT country profile - Lao Peoples Democratic Republic

    A profile of the Lao People's Democratic Republic by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Data is provided on economic indicators; food, nutrition and...

  • Circular No. 88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT guiding the Government's Decree No. 12/2006/ ND-CP of January 23, 2006, detailing the Commercial Law regarding international goods trading and goods agency, trading, processing and transit with foreign parties in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector

    This Circular provides contents, order and procedures for the export and import of goods subject to specialized management by the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector.

  • Economic evaluation of wetland ecosystems in Lao PDR - Case Study: Boung Kiat Ngong Wetlands

    Boung Kiat Ngong (BKN) is a rural wetland located in Phathomphone District, Champasak Province and plays an important role for local residents in term of providing direct and...

  • Fisheries Law No 3 / November 9, 2009

    Fisheries Law No 3 / November 9, 2009

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