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64 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Health care policy and administration

Kết quả lọc
  • Sub decree No. 280 on conditions, process and procedures for the implementation of the National Social Security Fund on healthcare based on voluntary contribution

    This sub-decree sets out the conditions, process and procedures for the registration of contribution payments, claims and provisions for the National Social Security Fund for...

  • National guidelines on minimum package of activities for health center development 2018

    The purposes of this guidelines are to provide a comprehensive guidance on Minimum Package of Activity (MPA) services and some essential activities to be provided by health...

  • Health facilities signed agreement for health care scheme (NSSF)

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Standard Operating Procedure (2): Guidelines for polling station layout, station staff and voters (9 Sep 2020)

    This SOP describes the role of MOHS, the establishment of the electoral health support committee, and the guidelines for polling station layout, station staff, and voters.

  • MOHS_Standard Operating Procedure (1): Guidelines for election gathering and campaign activities (7 Sep 2020)

    This SOP describes the role of MOHS, the establishment of the electoral health support committee, and the guidelines for election campaigns.

  • Health facilities in Cambodia (2010)

    This dataset details information on health facilities such as national hospital, health posts, health centers, referral hospitals and operation districts in Cambodia. The data...

  • Health facilities​ signed agreement for occupational risk scheme (NSSF)

    This dataset provides the location and contact detail information of health facilities that signed the agreement for occupational risk scheme with the National Social Security...

  • National guidelines on minimum package of activities for health center development 2008-2015

    The purposes of this guidelines are to provide a comprehensive guidance on Minimum Package of Activity (MPA) services and some essential activities to be provided by health...

  • Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019–2023. WHO Results framework

    This provides an overview on the Thirteenth General Programme of Work by WHO. The WHO Results Framework will be adopted between 2019 and 2023. This document summarizes the...

  • Law No. 25/2008/QH12 on Health Insurance

    This Law provides the health insurance regime and policies, including participants, premium rates, responsibilities and methods of payment of health insurance premiums; health...

  • Prakas​ No.​ 152​ of​ Inter-Ministerial​ on​ the​ organization​ and​ functioning​ of​ health​ departments​ of​ municipal​ and​ provincial​ administration

    This​ Prakas​ aims​ to​ organize​ the​ functioning​ of​ health​ departments​ at​ municipal​ and​ provincial​ administration​ through​ the​ re-structure​ on​ roles,​...

  • Các khu cách ly và bệnh viện điều trị COVID-19 tại Việt Nam

    Để ứng phó với sự lây lan của dịch bệnh covid-19, chính phủ việt nam đã trưng dụng một số nơi để cách ly những người có dấu hiệu hoặc tiếp xúc với các bệnh nhân mắc bệnh. Bộ dữ ...

  • Các quy định của chính quyền trung ương và địa phương ứng phó với dịch COVID-19 tại Việt Nam

    Ca nhiễm COVID-19 đã được phát hiện đầu tiên vào ngày 22/01/2020 tại Việt Nam. Với quyết tâm không để ai bỏ lại phía sau, chính quyền trung ương đã liên tục sát sao để đưa ra cá...

  • National guidelines on complementary package of activities for referral hospital development 2014

    National Guidelines on Complementary Package of Activities for Referral Hospital is a standard for a referral district hospital, referring to facility, equipment, supplies,...

  • Health strategic plan 2016-2020

    The Health strategic plan 2016-2020 renews a long-term vision of the health sector development and re-affirms the Ministry of Health’s commitment to meeting the stated vision....

  • The Law Amending Prevention and Control of communicable Diseases Law

    Describes functions and responsibilities of health personnel and citizens in relation to prevention and control of communicable diseases. It also describes measures to be taken...

  • Prevention and Control of communicable Diseases Law

    Describes functions and responsibilities of health personnel and citizens in relation to prevention and control of communicable diseases. It also describes measures to be taken...

  • National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS

    The Republic of the Union of Myanmar’s aims to eliminate stigma and discrimination National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2016– and ensure maximum access to essential 2020 is the...

  • Progress toward universal health coverage in ASEAN

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is characterized by much diversity in terms of geography, society, economic development, and health outcomes. The health...

  • Myanmar Health Statistics 2010

    This publication attempts to provide, in a simple and user-friendly way, the most sought-after health and health related information to a wide-ranging array of audience, both...

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