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Chuyên đề: Deforestation drivers Search Result For: library_record

Kết quả lọc
  • Protecting and Restoring Forests: A Story of Large Commitments yet Limited Progress

    In September 2014, a broad coalition of governments, companies, civil society, and indigenous peoples’ organizations endorsed the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF). Driven...

  • Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes

    Regime shifts—rapid long-term transitions between stable states—are well documented in ecology but remain controversial and understudied in land use and land cover change...

  • Joint statement: Alarming towards the disaster of Prey Lang

    Joint statement from member of civil society, including the Prey Lang Community Networks, diverse CSOs and citizens express their concern about the destruction of Prey Lang...

  • FLEGT and REDD+ Synergies and Impacts in the Congo Basin: Lessons for Global Forest Governance

    This document provides the results of a study on the synergies and impacts of FLEGT and REDD+ in the Congo Basin countries. The results point to the conclusion that fundamental...

  • Linking FLEGT and REDD+ Processes in Practice

    The European Union’s FLEGT Action Plan – which aims to reduce trade in illegal timber -, and REDD+ constitute two recent international forest regimes. Since the aims of the...

  • Cambodia Readiness Plan Proposal on REDD+ (Cambodia REDD+ Roadmap)

    The Cambodia REDD+ Roadmap is a national plan for how the RGC wants to move ahead with REDD+ Readiness. Following initial stakeholder consultations in late 2009 and early 2010,...

  • Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Seima Protection Forest, Cambodia

    The Seima Protection Forest (SPF) covers 292,690 ha. It is located in eastern Cambodia, mainly in Mondulkiri Province with a small area extending into Kratie Province. The REDD...

  • Effectiveness of community forestry in Prey Long forest, Cambodia

    This paper indicates forest condition assessment in 18–20 randomly placed variable-radius plots and fixed-area regeneration plots. We surveyed 10% of households in each of the 9...

  • Drivers of Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Lao PDR Country Report

    The main objective of this study was to review and analyze existing information on the drivers of change currently affecting Lao forests - including both negative and positive...

  • Impacts of the Laos Log and Sawnwood Export Bans

    In May 2016, the Government of Lao PDR enacted a Prime Ministerial Order (PM15) which, along with other commitments, aimed to help control the country’s high deforestation rates...

  • REDD+ at the crossroads: Choices and tradeoffs for 2015-2020 in Laos

    This study examines key choices and tradeoffs that confront current efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in Laos. Drawing on key...

  • Drivers of Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion

    This paper has been developed to investigate drivers of change affecting forests - both positive and negative. Each driver and its causal factors influence forest change in...

  • Myanmar Forest Information and Data (2011 Update)

    According to the U.N. FAO, 48.3% or about 31,773,000 ha of Myanmar is forested, according to FAO. Of this 10.0% ( 3,192,000 ) is classified as primary forest, the most...

  • Forest Investment Program Lao PDR

    Laos is a pilot country of the Forest Investment Program (FIP), a targeted programme of the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF), which is one of two funds within the framework of the...

  • Forest Conversion in Lao PDR: Implications and Impacts of Expanding Land Investments

    This policy brief examines the institutional and legal framework surrounding forest conversion in Lao PDR, giving special consideration to the social, environmental, and legal...

  • From REDD+ projects to ‘jurisdictional REDD+’: more bad news for the climate and communities

    For many people, REDD+ is about projects that save forests. In reality, however, REDD+ has never been about protecting forests and also no longer really is about projects but...

  • What can Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women expect from Global Climate and Forests Funds in terms of their rights? An introduction and comparison of Safeguards and Participation Mechanisms

    As a result of the regime on ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks’ (REDD+) adopted by the UN Framework...

  • The most cost-inefficient tree-saving scheme ever: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

    In August 2012, the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank published a review of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The review revealed some serious problems...

  • The struggle over Lao PDR’s forests: New opportunities for improved forest governance?

    The forests of Lao PDR have dramatically diminished in recent decades. The main drivers of deforestation are changes in land use with forests being converted to agriculture,...

  • What is REDD+?

    Degradation and deforestation of the world’s tropical forests are cumulatively responsible for about 10% of net global carbon emissions. Therefore, tackling the destruction of...

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