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307 library_records found

Chuyên đề: Environment and natural resources Search Result For: library_record

Kết quả lọc
  • Booklet​ on​ natural​ resources​ and​ wildlife​ status​ in​ protected​ areas​ and​ northern​ biodiversity​ corridor,​ north​ Tonle​ Sap​ lake​ 2020

    This​ booklet​ provides​ a​ useful​ source​ of​ information​ and​ related​ data​ on​ the​ status​ of​ wildlife​ presence,​ habitats,​ natural​ resources,​ protected​ area​...

  • Environment and agricultural investment in Lao PDR: An assessment of impacts, gaps and needs of agricultural investors, local authorities and communities affected by investments

    This report describes the current situation of environmental impacts arising from agricultural investments in northern Lao PDR, and identifies key gaps and needs of stakeholders...

  • Laos Statistical Yearbook 2017

    The statistics yearbook are summarizing the data from provincial statistics Centre and from the line ministries concerned and ministry-equivalent agencies in the whole country...

  • Biodiversity, Human Rights and Business in Myanmar

    This briefing paper explores the relationship between biodiversity, human rights, society and business in Myanmar, with particular reference to the oil and gas, mining and...

  • A Visit to the Mother River

    The Mekong, which local people call their Mother River (or Mae Khong), is central to Chiang Khong’s way of life. However, its environment has been damaged as special economic...

  • Northern villagers feel 'zoned' out

    The news of a Special Economic Zone on their doorstep was of little concern to the laid-back community in Chiang Khong district of Chiang Rai. They had their forest, or “natural...

  • The river ‘is not for sale’ warn Mekong villages

    The locals of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand describe their lives as “three days of fishing, two days of drying the nets”. They fish the river in the rainy season, then as the...

  • Climate change vulnerability mapping for greater Mekong sub-region

    It is well recognized that the impacts of climate change pose a serious threat to socio-economic, environment, and people’s livelihoods,particularly those in developing...

  • Ảnh hưởng của hoạt động khai thác khoáng sản đến rừng và đa dạng sinh học 2015

    Báo cáo này tập trung vào các nội dung sau: - Các tác động của hoạt động khai thác khoáng sản đến tài nguyên rừng và đa dạng sinh học ở xã Minh Sơn; - Sự chia sẻ lợi ích giữa do...

  • Indigenous knowledge and customary law in natural resource management: Experiences in Yunnan, China and Haruku, Indonesia

    Lands and territories inhabited by most indigenous peoples across the globe are rich in natural resources. Through generations of experimentation and as custodians, the...

  • Status of Indigenous Peoples’ lands, territories and resources in Asia

    Indigenous Peoples, because of their subordination and distinctiveness from mainstream cultures and polities, have been and still are subjected to gross human rights violations,...

  • Research on the Roles and Contributions of Indigenous Women in Sustainable Forest Management in Mekong Countries

    Indigenous women depend daily on the forests to supply the needs of their families for food, water, livelihood, firewood, shelter and health care.

  • Risks of Belt and Road Initiative Projects in ASEAN

    This paper mainly analyzes the three most salient risks, namely fiscal risk, governance risk and environmental risk host countries of BRI might confront. First, the...

  • Việt Nam 2035: Hướng tới Thịnh vượng, Sáng tạo, Công bằng và Dân chủ

    Năm 2015 đánh dấu 70 năm kể từ ngày Tuyên ngôn độc lập của Việt Nam, 40 năm sau khi thống nhất đất nước, và chỉ 30 năm sau khi thực hiện công cuộc Đổi mới, Việt Nam từ một trong...

  • Evidence of water quality degradation in Lower Mekong Basin revealed by self organizing map

    A report analysis by Ratha Chea, Gaël Grenouillet, Sovan Lek on evidence of water quality degradation in Lower Mekong Basin revealed by self organizing map, published in the...

  • Brief of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Systems Diagnostic

    This brief provides understanding of Myanmar EIA systems and recommendations towards their strengthing.

  • Extreme weather events in developing countries and related injuries and mental health disorders - a systematic review

    Due to climate change, extreme weather events have an incremental impact on human health. Injuries and mental health disorders are a particular burden of disease, which is...

  • State of the Basin report 2018

    This State of the Basin Report 2018 assesses conditions within the Mekong basin and the impacts, both positive and negative, that developments and use of the water and related...

  • SITUATION UPDATE No. 9 Effect of TS 11 (Son-Tinh) and Situation of Xe-Pien and Xenamnoy Dam, Lao PDR

    Due to monsoon season and heavy rainfall brought by TS 11 (Son-Tinh), 762 villages in 55 districts of 13 provinces have reported flooding as of 1 Aug 2018. This is a situation...

  • Data and tools to integrate climate and environmental information into public health

    During the last 30 years, the development of geographical information systems and satellites for Earth observation has made important progress in the monitoring of the weather,...

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