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Chuyên đề: Ethnic minorities and indigenous people

Kết quả lọc
  • Indidenous Women in decisions making training of trainner

    This documents had translate form english handbook conducted by AIPP, supported by UNDP, This handbook had developed into target of 3 ethnics group as: Hmong, Khamu and Khatang

  • Indigenous knowledge and customary law in natural resource management: Experiences in Yunnan, China and Haruku, Indonesia

    Lands and territories inhabited by most indigenous peoples across the globe are rich in natural resources. Through generations of experimentation and as custodians, the...

  • Status of Indigenous Peoples’ lands, territories and resources in Asia

    Indigenous Peoples, because of their subordination and distinctiveness from mainstream cultures and polities, have been and still are subjected to gross human rights violations,...

  • Education Manual on Indigenous Elders and Engagement with Government

    This Education Manual on Indigenous Elders and Engagement with Government is one in a series of leadership training manuals produced by the Indigenous Learning Institute for...

  • Asean Climate change REDD+ and Indigenous Peoples

    The term Indigenous Peoples is increasingly used by peoples in the ASEAN region who thus far have been called “hill tribes”, “native people” or “ethnic minorities”, and the...

  • Threatened Lands, Threatened Lives: Human Rights Situation of Indigenous People in Cambodia

    This report on the human rights situation of indigenous peoples of Cambodia was prepared mainly from the contributions of indigenous peoples human rights defenders (IPHRDs) and...

  • Overview of the State of Indigenous Peoples in Asia

    The fact remains, however, that the individual and collective rights of peoples who self-identify as indigenous peoples are being violated on a daily basis.

  • Indigenous women in Southeast Asia: Challenges in their access to justice

    This briefing paper is prepared as part of the advocacy of the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) for the respect, protection and recognition of the human rights of indigenous...

  • Research on the Roles and Contributions of Indigenous Women in Sustainable Forest Management in Mekong Countries

    Indigenous women depend daily on the forests to supply the needs of their families for food, water, livelihood, firewood, shelter and health care.

  • Development for whom ?

    This project is categorized as B3 in the indigenous peoples safeguard categories and project documents states that indigenous peoples in West Kalimantan are included in the...

  • Shifting cultivation, livelihood and food security: New and old challenges for indigenous peoples in Asia

    Case studies on indigenous and ethnic peoples across Asia, their history with shifting cultivation, and the livelihood and food security impacts of their traditional...

  • A Year of Growth and Consolidation: AIPP 2012 Annual Report

    The year 2012 may have passed quickly, but this has been a year of significant advancement for AIPP. At the programme level, the Environment Programme has expanded to include...


    AIPP has taken major steps forward in 2013 in strengthening the organization and in advancing the rights of indigenous women. As a result of the adoption of the AIPP Gender...

  • Ngân hàng Thế giới phê duyệt khoản hỗ trợ tài chính mới giúp Việt Nam trong nỗ lực phát triển khu vực nông thôn

    Đây là trang web đã được lưu trữ, mô tả về thông cáo báo chí về khoản tín dụng ưu đãi trị giá 153 triệu đô la Mỹ của Ngân hàng thế giới hỗ trợ các chương trình mục tiêu quốc gia...

  • GIDA-RDA COVID-19 Guidelines for Data Sharing Respecting Indigenous Data Sovereignty

    The Indigenous Data Guidelines set out the minimum requirements for Indigenous-designed data approaches and standards, inclusive of Indigenous rights to data governance and...

  • Các Yếu tố Ảnh hưởng đến sự Phát triển Kinh tế - Xã hội của Dân tộc Thiểu số tại Việt Nam

    Việt Nam hiện là quốc gia có thu nhập trung bình thấp, nhưng khoảng cách phát triển giữa các Dân tộc thiểu số (DTTS) và nhóm đa số vẫn tồn tại và ngày càng nới rộng. Hơn thế nữa...

  • Sự phát triển của dân tôc thiểu số ở Việt Nam trên quan điểm kinh tế xã hội

    Các tác giả kiểm tra bằng chứng định lượng mới nhất về sự chênh lệch về mức sống trong và giữa các nhóm dân tộc khác nhau ở Việt Nam. Sử dụng dữ liệu từ Khảo sát mức sống Việt N...

  • Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development Project III (LASED III)

    Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development – III (LASED III) will continue the support for the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (RGC) Commune Social Land Concession (SLC)...

  • Blocking a Bloodline: Indigenous Communities along the Tanintharyi River Fear the Impacts of Large Scale Dams

    There are a total of 76 villages, 6,118 households and 32,008 people living directly along the Tanintharyi River, who depend on it as a vital source of food security, water,...

  • River, Knowledge, Threat: Local Knowledge Based Research in Tanintharyi River Basin

    The report shows the result of four years of collaborative work by indigenous Karen people from multiple forest-dependent communities in the Tanintharyi River basin. It is...

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