Cambodia trade integration strategy 2014 - 2018, full report
The Cambodian Government’s third Diagnostic Trade Integration Strategy, which accompanies the Trade SWAp Roadmap 2014-2018. The report provides comprehensive information about...
Cambodian economic review
This is the fourth issue of the Cambodian Economic Review has been materialized through voluntary efforts dedicated by selected members of and contributors to the young economic...
Falling rubber prices in Northern Laos: local responses and policy options
A rubber case study by Thoumthone Vongvisouk, PhD and Michael Dwyer, PhD on Falling rubber prices in Northern Laos: local responses and policy options. The report highlights the...
Timber markets and trade between Laos and Vietnam: A commodity chain analysis of Vietnamese driven timber flow
This study examines the timber trade between Laos and Vietnam, exploring power and political dynamics of the trade between the two countries. The study has adopted a commodity...
Women's work and market hierarchies along the border of Lao PDR December 2004
This article is based on two studies on border trade between Thailand and Laos. The first focuses on cotton weaving along the borders of Sayaboury province, Lao PDR and Nan...
Final report Laos resorce mapping and farmer input market studies of the Vietnam-Laos Bamboo feasibility study
The study was conducted in two provinces, namely Houaphan (District: Viengxay and Xiengkhor) and Xiengkhouang (Districts: Phaxay and Kham). 12 villages in the two provinces were...
Workshop on market information systems (MIS) for agriculture and forestry products July 5-6, 2005 Santi Resort, Luang Prabang Province
The aims of the workshop were: To identify market information needs and issues in Lao PDR, To share experiences, concepts and expectations on impacts of MIS, To identify and...
Phou San Wild Tea Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR from early days to current production and market development 2016
Phou San Wild Tea is named after Phou San Mountain (2,218 m.a.s.l.) which is located in an area of unique biodiversity in the upland areas of Paek district, northern Xieng...
Case Study on Bamboo Marketing in Lao P.D.R ICRAF-SEANAFE Project “Markets for Agroforestry Tree Products
Bamboo handicraft products are mostly for sale. There are in fact two main channels of distribution bamboo handicraft products in Napo village. First of all, village...
Introducing fortified rice in Cambodia and Vietnam
A feasibility study to assess the likely success of a rice fortification project in Cambodia and Vietnam. For each country, the author provides background on current...
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