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15 library_records found

Chuyên đề: Technologies

Kết quả lọc
  • Using Smart Phone for data collection: Kobo Toolbox (in Khmer)

    The video tutorials on the Kobo Toolbox data collection in the Khmer language were produced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in 2019. The purpose of making these videos is to...

  • Fundamental QGIS

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Reading and using Google Maps on PC

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Reading and using Google map on mobile

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Đánh giá kĩ thuật về ứng dụng Bluezone – Mặt nạ điện tử

    Báo cáo tóm tắt đánh giá ứng dụng Bluezone, ứng dụng truy vết COVID-19 chính thức tại Việt Nam, được BKAV - một công ty phần mềm tại Việt Nam – phát triển và vận hành, do Chính ...

  • Online Article: Here’s How Technology is Changing the Corruption Game

    In bureaucracies, paper is power. As part of their digital transformation, governments are seeking to improve both efficiency and transparency, through the expansion of digital...

  • Brunei Darussalam's E-Government Strategy in Overcoming Cyber Threats

    E-Government is a government administration system that plays a vital role in the international global communication, and greatly determines the progress of a state. However,...

  • International E-Government Development Policy, Implementation and Best Practice

    This book collects studies about the perceptions of stakeholders, such as public managers and politicians, regarding the need to implement e-government projects as a way to...

  • Measuring the e-Government Maturity in Indonesia using the Ranking of e-Government of Indonesia (PeGI)

    In rapid development of Information Communication and Technology (ICT), citizens need fast and easy-to-access regarding e-Government services. To fulfil...

  • Fighting Corruption with ICT: Strengthening Civil Society’s Role

    In a Word With information and communication technology, civil society plays an increasing role in governance, promoting transparency and accountability to tackle corruption....

  • Tương lai nền kinh tế số Việt Nam – Hướng tới năm 2030 và 2045

    Một báo cáo mới tìm hiểu các xu hướng ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển của nền kinh tế số của Việt Nam đến năm 2045. Làn sóng mới của các công nghệ số - trí tuệ nhân tạo, blockchain,...

  • Stakeholder engagement in preparing investment plans for the climate investment funds: Case studies from Asia: Second edition

    Since the inception of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has participated in the preparation of 15 investment plans covering the two main CIF...

  • Mobile phones in Cambodia 2014

    This 2014 study is one of several by the Open Institute tracking trends in phone use in Cambodia. The study explores the knowledge, attitude and practices of phone users in...

  • Research report on existence and use of phones that permit written communication in Khmer script

    This 2013 study is one of several by the Open Institute tracking trends in phone use. The study investigates whether Khmer-language SMS can be used as a tool for government and...

  • Mobile phones and internet in Cambodia 2015

    This 2015 study is one of several by Open Institute exploring trends in phone use. The study examines Cambodian phone users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to...

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