Economic land concessions (ELCs)
This dataset contains a list of ELCs in Cambodia with contract dates starting from 1996 to 2014. The list was updated in November 2017 to included adjustments to ELCs contracts ...
Soils types of Cambodia
Soil polygons. Attributes include: type of soil (FAO classification – full name), abbreviations, found in ‘FAO, 1988. FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World Revised Legend, with corre...
Special economic zone in Cambodia (2006-2024)
This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The total number of 59 SEZs are recorded in point that data was collected fr...
Road and railway networks in Cambodia (2012 & 2025)
Road networks are produced by Open Street Map. ODC's map and data team extracted the data in vector format. Moreover, the polyline data of railway given by Save Cambodia's Wil...
Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)
This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...
Land cover in Cambodia (2015-2023)
The Cambodia national Land Cover time series (2015-2023) was derived from the Biophysical M&E Dashboard tool, being used by USAID/Cambodia to track performance and report on lan...
Fisheries resource management data
The dataset provides information on fish sanctuary, community fishery, and flooded forest in Cambodia up to 2021. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 zone 48 coordinate re...
Mobile network coverage in Cambodia
This dataset visually presents comprehensive maps detailing the extent of the mobile network coverage of Cellcard, Metfone, and Smart across Cambodia. This network map shows the...
Community forestry (2008-2017)
This dataset describes the information of community forestry (CF) in Cambodia from 2008 to 2017. The total number of 339 CFs is recorded. The data was collected from many source...
State land reclassification
This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public property and the reclassification to state private property of some areas in Phnom Penh, Ka...
Community protected areas (2006-2021)
This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...
Vulnerability to climate hazards (2014-2022)
This dataset details the percentage and number of vulnerable provinces and communes, categorized according to their vulnerability index values. The indices include specific metr...
Families affected by climate hazards (2014-2019)
This dataset shows the loss and damage due to extreme weather events is tracked annually in Cambodia through the proportion of families affected by at least one of the three maj...
Major foreign investment projects in Cambodia
The foreign investment project dataset has been established to provide relevantly practical information within Cambodia's investment projects flow, comprehending major foreign i...
Results on national assembly's election (2013)
The dataset describes the information on the official results of the national election in 2013 for the fifth legislature, released by National Election Committee (NEC). This inc...
Forest cover in Cambodia (2015-2023)
Through the implementation of USAID's Supporting Forests and Biodiversity (USAID SFB) ensuring ecological stability and biological productivity for landscape management and cons...
Thailand Refugees Camp Population: 2024
The 2024 datasets are available monthly. These datasets show the 9 camps of total population by ethnicity and gender.
Hydropower dam (1993-2020)
This dataset describes information on hydropower dams for each province in Cambodia as of 2020. This data was collected from various sources by ODC Mapping Team, including the r...
Economic census of Cambodia 2022
This dataset contains general information on the Cambodian economic census for 2022, as well as many other figures. The purpose of this economic census is to compile basic stati...
Power generation in Cambodia
This power generation in Cambodia dataset is extracted from the Mekong Infrastructure Tracker database, which builds on existing data to present a comprehensive source of inform...