State land reclassification
Published by: Open Development Cambodia
Data Resources (7)
Data Resource Preview - State land reclassification

Additional Info
Field | Value |
Dataset topic category |
Language |
Use limitations | By accessing this website or database, users agree to take full responsibility for reliance on any site information provided and to hold harmless and waive any and all liability against individuals or entities associated with its development, form and content for any loss, harm or damage suffered as a result of its use. |
GeoNames |
West bounding coordinates | 103.60572241722225 |
East bounding coordinates | 105.08582199660128 |
South bounding coordinates | 10.539823299357336 |
North bounding coordinates | 11.666236964364654 |
Spatial Reference System | WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N (EPSG:32648) |
Positional Accuracy | Since the dataset was collected mostly through digitization of the scanned maps in the law document, there will inevitably be a few trivial spatial errors. |
Attribute Accuracy | The accuracy depends on the source of the Royal Gazette of Cambodia. |
Logical Consistency | There is no known about the issues of consistency. |
Completeness | Completeness depends on the references that can be found by ODC's map experts, so this dataset requires further updating and monitoring. |
Process Step | This dataset is acquired by converting the scanned map to SHP format through a process done using GIS tools such as point coordinate input, georeference, and digitization. |
Lineage | Royal Gazettes of Cambodia |
Responsible party | General Department of Royal Gazettes, Office of the Council of Ministers (OCM) Address: OCM, Friendship Building, 41 Russian Federation Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Contact: Phone/Fax: (855) 23 212 490, E-Mail:, |
Metadata creator information | Metadata last updated on 2024-02-014. For inquiries contact: Open Development Cambodia, Email:, Website: Address: 23B St. 606, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. |
Attributes | map_id: ID number to identify map, name: Area/Grantee name, category: Category of property statement , owner: Grantee who has the privilege, area (ha): area in hectare unit, village: village name, commune: commune name, district: District name: province: Province name; references: References of the dataset |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
Copyright | Yes |
Version | 1.0 |
Province(s) |
Keywords | state public property,state private propetry,land classification |
Date uploaded | November 15, 2019, 03:08 (UTC) |
Date modified | March 20, 2025, 08:29 (UTC) |