Rainfall stations
This dataset reveals 98 locations of hydro-meteorological stations disperse in 18 provinces in Cambodia.
Reserved land for social land concession
This dataset contains information on the reserved land for social land concession for civil people and military issued by Royal Government of Cambodia from 2006 to 2020. The lan...
Polling stations in Phnom Penh (2013)
The dataset describes the information on the locations of all polling stations for the national election in 2013 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The data was collected from National El...
Percentage of voters for the 5th mandate Commune/Sangkat council election in 2022
This dataset describes the number of communes, polling stations, the total population registered to vote and went to the polls, and the percentage of people who went to the poll...
Official result of voter registration for preparing new voter lists 2016
This dataset is about the official result of voter registration for preparing new voter lists 2016 published by National Election Committee on its website. There is a table cont...
Global building footprints in Cambodia
According to Bing Maps, the global building footprints around the world have been detected in 776,712,641 building footprint polygon geometries between 2014 and 2021 including M...
Temporary number of voter turnout in the commune election (2017)
This dataset is about the temporary number of voter turnout during the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election. There is a table containing the data of voter turnout in ...
Result of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election: vote and percentage by political party
This dataset shows the number of vote and percentages which each political party received in 25 capital and provinces across the country for the 4th mandate of commune /Sangkat ...
Result of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election: vote and seat in percentage by political party
This dataset shows the number of vote and seat which each political party received in 25 capital and provinces across the country for the 4th mandate of commune /Sangkat council...
Result of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election: seats won by political party
This dataset shows the number of seat which each political party received in 25 capital and provinces across the country for the 4th mandate of commune /Sangkat council election...
Primary results on the national assembly's election (2013)
The dataset describes information on the primary results of the national election in Cambodia . The data was collected from National Election Committee (NEC), the governmental b...
Results on the national assembly's election (2013)
The dataset shows the official result of the National Assembly's election in 2013 for the fifth legislature, released by National Election Committee (NEC). Published on NEC webs...
Basic information of school (2012)
This dataset consists of school locations and names and other types of basic information, such as numbers of classes and rooms, numbers of teaching and non-teaching staff, and t...
Results on the election of commune/sangkat council (2012)
This dataset shows the official result of the commune council election for the third legislature issued by National Election Committee (NEC) on 24 June 2012. Published on NEC we...
Prakas No. 579 on registration of community fisheries in Banteay Meanchey, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Preah Sihanouk, Kandal, Koh Kong, Takeo, Prey Veng and Stung Treng Provinces
Prakas No. 579 illustrated the registration of community fisheries in Banteay Meanchey, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Preah Sihanouk, Kandal, Koh Kong, Takeo, Prey Veng and Stung Treng ...
Global Surface Water Data in Cambodia
The Global Surface Water dataset from Joint Research Centre has a complete history of water detections over the 37-year period from 1984 to 2020 produced under the Copernicus Pr...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia
The sources from the official Facebook of Ministry of Health, Communicable Disease Control Department (CDC) and other collection of notifications from the Ministry of Health to...
Targeted areas for the implementation of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) in 2022
This dataset defines the target areas to be implemented in 2022 under MoU between NCDDS and Family Health International (FHI360) on the implementation of Social Accountability f...
Poor household in Cambodia
This dataset shows the percentage of poor households and the number of poor households in each province of the Kingdom of Cambodia, which is extracted from the website of IDpoor...
Population census 2019 (Final population totals)
This dataset provides a final result census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total ...