Percentage of voters for the 5th mandate Commune/Sangkat council election in 2022
Published by: Open Development Cambodia
Data Resources (7)
Data Resource Preview - Percentage of voters for the 5th mandate Commune/Sangkat council election in 2022

Additional Info
Field | Value |
Dataset topic category | Elections |
Language |
Use limitations | By accessing this website or database, users agree to take full responsibility for reliance on any site information provided and to hold harmless and waive any and all liability against individuals or entities associated with its development, form and content for any loss, harm or damage suffered as a result of its use. |
Temporal extent's start date | June 6, 2022 |
Temporal extent's end date | June 6, 2022 |
GeoNames |
Attribute Accuracy | Data attribute was extracted from the NEC: |
Logical Consistency | There are no known issues with logical consistency. |
Process Step | The figures in the table are extracted from the NEC: in the form of an image, then converted into a CSV format and created into a SQLITE file, and put into DataHub of Development Cambodia (ODC) platform. |
Lineage | Link: |
Responsible party | National Election Committee (NEC) Address: # 275 Preah Norodom Boulevard, Sangkat Tonle Basac, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Website:, Email:, Fax: 023 214 374, Phone: 012 855 018 |
Metadata creator information | Metadata last updated on 2022-06-10. For inquiries contact: Open Development Cambodia, address: #23B St. 2606, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, email:, website: |
Attributes | province: Province in Khmer; province_en: Province in English; commune: Number of communes; polling_sta: Number of the polling station; total_voter: Total registered voter; voter: Total voters; percent: percentage of voters; reference: Reference។ |
Update Frequency | unknown |
License | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Copyright | Yes |
Version | 1 |
Keywords | Election,Commune,2022 |
Date uploaded | June 10, 2022, 03:54 (UTC) |
Date modified | June 10, 2022, 07:12 (UTC) |