Circular No. 27/2013/TTBLDTBXH regulating occupational health and safety training
This Circular guides the implementation of Clause 4, Article 150 of the Labor Code, prescribing the conditions of organizations providing occupational safety and health training...
Circular No. 40/2011 / TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT defining the adverse working conditions and job categories that are not carried out by female employees, female employees who are pregnant or nursing children under 12 months old
This Circular prescribes harmful working conditions and the list of jobs must not employ female laborers or female laborers who are pregnant or nursing their children under 12 m...
Circular No. 33/2011/TT-BLDTBXH provides guidance as to the implementation of regulations on working time and rest time for laborers doing seasonal jobs and processing export goods under orders
This Circular guides the formulation and organization of the implementation of the regime of working time and annual rest time for laborers performing seasonal jobs in the agric...
Joint Circular No. 01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT guiding the organization of labour safety and sanitation work in labour-employing establishments
This Circular provides for the organization of the apparatus in charge of labor safety and sanitation work, assignment of responsibilities for, planning. self-inspection, maki...
Trade Unions Law (No. 12/2012/QH13)
This law stipulates on rights of laborers of establishing and participating in and operating of Trade Union; function, powers, duties of Trade Union; rights and obligations of t...
Law on land 1993
This law consists of 7 chapters, 89 articles regulating the management and use of land, rights and obligations of land users.
Law on Land (2003) 13/2003/QH11
This Law governs the powers and responsibilities of the State as representative of the ownership of land by the entire people for uniform administration of land and the regime...
Sub decree No.144 on the separation of Chaom Chau commune of Pur Sen Chey district, Phnom Penh
Chom Chao commune of Khan Pur Sen Chey was separated into 3 communes such as Chaom Chau 1 commune, consisting of 8 villages, Chaom Chau 2 commune, consisting of 16 villages and ...
Royal decree No. 176 on revocation of Snoul Wildlife Sanctuary in Kratie province and Roneam Daun Sam Wildlife Sanctuary in Battambang province
The Royal decree aims to revoke the Snuol Wildlife Sanctuary, established on 01 November 1993 and consisting of 75,000 hectares in Kratie province, as well as the Roneam Daun Sa...
Strengthening Asia-Pacific’s support for the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Resolution to strengthen Asia-Pacific’s Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025
The ASCC 2025 vision is for an ASEAN Community that engages and benefits the peoples and is inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and dynamic.
Environment and Development for Asia and the Pacific
Ministers declaration on advancing the 2030 Agenda in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Civil Code of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam No. 33/2005 / QH11 dated 14 June 2005
The Civil Code stipulates the legal status and legal norms for the behavior of individuals, legal persons and other subjects; Rights and obligations of subjects of personal and ...
Decree No. 23/2006/ND-CP On the implementation of the law on forest protection and development
This Decree provides for forest protection and development plannings and plans; allocation of forests, lease of forests, recovery of forests, conversion of forest use purposes, ...
Joint Statement Between ASEAN and China on Further Deepening the Cooperation on Infrastructure Connectivity
For the long-term cooperation and common prosperity of ASEAN and China, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, and in accordance with domestic laws and regulations, ASEAN an...
Rome Declaration on World Food Security
Strategic Objectives and Commitments and Actions for World Food Security.
ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS) 2015-2020
The goal of AIFS Framework and SPA-FS 2015-2020 is to ensure long-term food security and nutrition, to improve the livelihoods of farmers in the ASEAN region. The SPA-FS shall c...
Environmental Protection
This Law provides statutory provisions on environmental protection activities; measures and resources used for the purpose of environmental protection; rights, powers, duties an...
Approval of the National Action Plan on Green Growth in Viet Nam for the Period of 2014-2020
Themes, Groups of Activities, and Specific Activities to action green growth in Viet Nam.
Green Growth Strategy
Green growth, as a means to achieve a low carbon economy and to enrich natural capital, will become the principal direction in sustainable economic development; reduction of gre...