The Commercial Tax Law (The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No. 8/90)
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Foreign Investment Law (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 21/2012)
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Export and Import Law (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.17/2012)
The objectives of this Law are as follows: (a) to enable to implement the economic principles of the State successfully; (b) to enable to lay down the policies relating to expor...
National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2019-2023
The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2019-2023 summarizes the key achievements and challenges during the implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan 2014...
Sub-Decree No. 21 on the reclassification of 147.4561 hectares of land as state private land located in Chrouy Pisei and Boeung Krum Ler village, Teuk Kleang and Boeung Krum commune, Lvea Em district, Kandal province
This sub-decree was issued by the Royal Government of Cambodia with the decision of reclassifying 147.4561 hectares of land as state private land, located in Chrouy Pisei and Bo...
Organisational consolidation of the ethnic affairs apparatuses under the people’s committees of all levels
The Decree aims to strengthen the responsibility of state management on ethnic affairs, meeting requirements and tasks in the new era.
The constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 2013
Institutionalising the Platform of national construction during the transitional period towards socialism, inheriting the 1946 Constitution, 1959 Constitution, 1980 Constitution...
The Forest Law (The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No. 8/92)
The Forest Law determines the basic principles, regulations and measures on sustainable management, preservation, development, utilization and inspection of forest resources and...
The Myanmar Citizens Investment Law (The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No. 4/94)
The Foreign and Citizens Investment Law aims to encourage foreign investment to mobilize the natural resources of the country and to promote development of technology.
Myanmar Forest Policy 1995
The policy document formalizes the commitment and intent of the Government in ensuring sustainable development of the forest resource both for environmental and economic purposes.
The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No. 8/92
This Law is called the Forest Law
Minimum Wages Act, 2013 (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 7)
To meet with the essential needs of the workers, and their families, who are working at the commercial, production and service, agricultural and livestock breeding businesses an...
The Social Security Law, 2012 (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 15)
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The Leave and Holidays Act, 1951 (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 58)
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The Factories Act 1951 (Act No. 65/1951)
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The Labour Organization Law (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 7/2011)
The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw hereby enacts this law, in accord with section 24 of the constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, to protect the rights of the workers, to ha...
Law on Commercial Rules and Commercial Registration
This law is about the mechanisms on commercial rules and commercial registration. This law was amended into Law on the Amendment of the Law on Commercial Regulations and Commerc...
Law on Financial Management for the Year 2020
This law is mandated for the 2020 management in collecting national income from taxes, contributions, VATs, revenues and other incomes, also in achieving its investment and set ...
Press release No. 490 of the Ministry of Environment on the state land registration of Pream Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province
According to this press release, the Peam Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province were registered as state land...
Sub-decree No. 65 on establishment of Phnom Chunchaing natural heritage site
This Sub-decree establishes Phnom Chunchaing natural heritage site which has areas of 19 (nineteen hectares) located in Teuk Thla commune, Krong Serei Saophoan, Banteay Meanchey...