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Myanmar Climate Change Policy 2019

The purpose of this Policy is to provide long term direction and guidance to: (a) Take and promote climate change action on adaptation and mitigation in Myanmar; (b) Integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations into Myanmar’s national priorities and across all levels and sectors in an iterative and progressive manner; and take decisions to create and maximize opportunities for sustainable, low carbon, climate resilient development, ensuring benefits for all.

Data Resources (1)

Data Resource Preview - Myanmar Climate Change Policy 2019_EN/MM

Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Myanmar
Issuing agency/parties
  • The Union of Myanmar
  • Union Government Office
Implementing agencies
  • Union Government Office
  • English
  • Burmese
Formal type of document Policy
Alternative/short title Climate Change Policy
  • Climate change
  • Environment and natural resources policy and administration
  • Overview of policy and legal framework

No license given

Copyright No
Access and use constraints

Rule and law are no copyright.

Status Adopted, validated, in effect
Previous legal document
  • Myanmar Climate Change Strategy and Master Plan
Publication reference 2019
Links to source

The Myanmar Climate Change Policy and the related Myanmar Climate Change Strategy and Master Plan (2018-2030) as a guiding policy and strategic framework are hereby adopted precisely to ensure that we take concrete, coordinated and sustained action over the long-term to transform Myanmar into a low-carbon and resilient country, which is able to develop in a sustainable manner.

Keywords Regulation and policy,Myanmar
Date uploaded September 18, 2024, 09:28 (UTC)
Date modified September 24, 2024, 08:25 (UTC)