FAO country programming framework 2012 – 2016: Myanmar
The Food and Agriculture Organization's country programming framework 2012-2016, describing the intended cooperation and partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organizatio...
Tin mining in Myanmar: Production and potential
In 2014, Myanmar (Burma) confounded industry analysts by emerging to become the World's third biggest tin producer, experiencing a 5-year tin production increase of ca. 4900%. T...
National profile on occupational safety and health Myanmar
A national profile on occupational safety and health in Myanmar, published by the Labor Ministry's factories and general labor laws inspection department, Myanmar.
Labor and employment regulatory framework in Myanmar
An analysis by William D. Greenlee, Jr. on labor and employment regulatory framework in Myanmar. Published in Yangon, Myanmar, by the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, 2...
Asian Development Bank and Myanmar factsheet
Updated yearly, this fact sheet provides social and economic indicators on Myanmar as well as concise information on the Asian Development Bank's operations in the country and c...
Myanmar analysis of farm production economics
An report prepared by the World Bank in partnership with the Livelihoods and Food Security Multi-Donor Trust Fund on the Myanmar. An analysis of farm production economics publis...
Catalyzing Sub-national Development In Myanmar: Balancing Local Preferences with National and Sector Policy
This paper aims to extract lessons from development partners’ engagement in Myanmar to offer suggestions for improved subnational governance and balanced regional development. T...
Natural Resources and Sub - national Governments in Myanmar: Key considerations for wealth sharing
The research presented in this discussion paper provides an overview of the current role of subnational government in natural resource management andrevenue collection in Myanma...
Local Economic Governance in Myanmar
This paper explores local economic governance in Myanmar, starting with a review of decentralization in Myanmar and a detailed examination of key local economic governance acto...
Myanmar: unlocking the potential
The Asian Development Bank's country diagnostic study on Myanmar's economic development, published the Asian Development Bank, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, 2014.
The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Thailand Readiness Plan Idea Note (R-PIN) Template
The purpose of this document is to: a) request an overview of your country’s interest in the FCPF program, and b) provide an overview of land use patterns, causes of deforestati...
Power Sector Development in Myanmar
While the economic literature has yet to establish whether greater electricity consumption leads to faster economic growth, or vice versa, it is widely accepted that the better ...
Myanmar Energy Master Plan
The EMP has been prepared from a strategic perspective requiring that all concerned Ministries align to a common energy development plan based on an understanding of fundamental...
Development of A Myanmar National Electrification Plan Towards Universal Access 2015-2030
Myanmar has one of the lowest rates of electrification in Southeast Asia. Energy poverty also affects population with access to electricity due to shortages and poor reliability...
Displacement and Dispossession: Forced Migration and Land Rights
This report, Displacement and Dispossession: Forced Migration and Land Rights in Burma focuses on land confiscation by Government forces, responsible for Burma’s most acute Hous...
Country fact sheet- Myanmar
This fact sheet provides data Myanmar's land and population, renewable water resources, water withdrawal (by sector and source) and irrigation areas.
Local Development Funds in Myanmar An Initial Review
A growing number of Local Developments Funds (LDFs) are helping to drive “bottom-up” planning in Myanmar. This report provides an overview of international best practice in the ...
State and Region Governments in Myanmar
Subnational governance institutions and central-local relations are critical to the future of Myanmar, and they are undergoing significant change. This report aims to inform pol...
Myanmar labor force, child labor and school to work transition survey 2015 Executive summary report
The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security and the Central Statistical Organization of Myanmar conducted a labour force, child labour and school-to-work transition s...
Myanmar EITI Factsheet
This factsheet contained information on Myanmar EITI sector