Illegal logging and related trade the response in Lao PDR
Illegal logging is a global problem that is both a result of and a contributing factor to poor forest governance. It undermines efforts to manage forests sustainable and equitab...
Assessment and prospect of China-Laos development cooperation 2016
Assessment and prospect of China-Laos development cooperation 2016
Entrance to sustainable development
Entrance to sustainable development
Meeting notes: Lao NGOs Saola & CEPF strategy meeting
Strategize coordinated action on saola conservation in Laos, and decide on a coordinated approach for application of a CEPF Lao saola grant
Establishment rules for the protection of water resources and wildlife in village level
Establishment rules for the protection of water resources and wildlife in village level
Workshop on market information systems (MIS) for agriculture and forestry products July 5-6, 2005 Santi Resort, Luang Prabang Province
The aims of the workshop were: To identify market information needs and issues in Lao PDR, To share experiences, concepts and expectations on impacts of MIS, To identify and agr...
Management plan of the Beung Kiat Ngong Ramsar site,Pathoumphone District, Champassak Province, Lao PDR
In September 2010, Beung Kiat Ngong Wetland, in Champassak Province, was formally recognized by the Ramsar convention as holding important value for conservation. It is one of o...
Report on training of non-timber forest products market
Report on training of non-timber forest products market
The Prime Minister's remarks on countertervention and suppression of illegal logging and trading of wood
The Prime Minister's remarks on countertervention and suppression of illegal logging and trading of wood
Guidance on logging management
Guidance on logging management
Position Paper on tree plantation sector development in Lao PDR October 2006
Successful plantation program for wood fibre, rubber and high quality, hardwood are underpinned by strong program of R&D
Analysis of utilization of non timber forest product by rural farm household: case study of xaybuathong District, Central Lao
Farming system is strongly influenced by the external rural environment, including policies and institutions, markets and information linkages (FAO and World Bank, 2001: 9). B...
Communal land tenure in the Lao PDRResults from a draft study on pilot experiences 16thJanuary 2014
In Sangthong, an approved management plan for the village forest was already in place, providing information about the forest land, and defining sustainable harvest levels
Impacts from tapping oleoresin from dipterocarpus alatus on trees and timber value in Lao P.D.R May 2000
One conclusion that remains from Ankarfjärd and Kegl (1998) is that the handling of fire needs to be controlled in a better way by some tappers. The concentration of affected ...
Involvement of civil society organizations in the FLAG/VPA process in Lao PDR 2016
To report to members about the involvement of Lao CSO FLEGT committees in the process, To have consultation with Lao CSO FLEGT members on the activities of the network in FLEGT,...
Notification of banning harvesting and storage of tree
Notification of banning harvesting and storage of tree
Decree on the adoption and promulgation of the forestry strategy of Lao PDR
Decree on the adoption and promulgation of the forestry strategy of Lao PDR
Agriculture and forestry education instrumental for supporting family farming in the Lao PDR.
The comparative and competitive advantages of investing in Laos, as outlined by the DDFI, are: Political, economic and financial stability; Abundant water resources, rich minera...
Coffee, mines and dams: conflicts over land in the Bolaven Plateau, southern Lao PDR
Since the best coffee land is already being farmed by the smallholders, some of the land allocated to the companies by the government is invariably already under cultivat...
Improving grassroots equity in the forests and climate change context
Forest-based climate change mitigation approaches aim to reduce human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and to increase the levels of stored and sequestrated carbon sinks. Ensuri...