‘Better-practice’ Concessions? Some Lessons from Cambodia’s Leopard Skin Landscape
This article focuses on two cases where companies have sought to develop more socially benign––and, they believe, more profitable and sustainable––plantation concessions in a co...
Digest of Public Service of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
This document was established to provide the service information of water producing and supplying for residential in capital of Phnom Penh, towns around Phnom Penh and in Kandal...
Land Rights Matter! Anchors to Reduce Land Grabbing, Dispossession and Displacement
A comparative study of land rights systems in Southeast Asia and the potential of national and international legal frameworks and guidelines.
An overview of large scale investments in the Mekong
This paper presents an overview of large scale investments trends in the Mekong region, the regulatory and policy changes designed to facilitate large-scale foreign and domestic...
Leaflet Document of General Department of Identification
This document was established firstly in 2015 for the public to get more understanding and knowledge on the benefits and the procedure of issuing identification documents such a...
Key findings of the MRC’s strategic environmental assessment on Mekong mainstream dams
Key findings as interpreted by International Rivers of the Mekong River Commission's 2010 strategic environmental assessment (SEA) on Mekong mainstream dams are the key document...
Poverty rate by communes, Sangkats, districts, Khans, municipalities and provinces 2015
This document shows about the information about poverty rate, population and total family in Cambodia based on Commune Sangkat Database in December 2015. In 2015, Cambodia has ...
Summary report on activities and achievement 2005-2006 and planning 2006-2007 of MAFF
Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, report for 2005-2006 gives an overview of Cambodia’s crop, animal and commercial farm production, and the status of r...
Biodiversity assessment of Prey Lang: Kratie, Kampong Thom, Stung Treng and Preah Vihear (2015)
Within the Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project (SFB), Conservation International, in cooperation with the Forestry Administration (FA), conducted a biodiversity survey o...
Impediments to growth of the garment and food industries in Cambodia: Exploring potential benefits of the ASEAN-People's Republic of China free trade agreement
This paper attempts to identify structural constraints to growth and exports within Cambodia’s key industries and to consider the policy actions needed to reduce obstacles to tr...
Land tenure security and poverty reduction
"Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and po...
Human security and land rights in Cambodia
The report of a project exploring human security and land rights in Cambodia. The project used a human security framework to address two questions: (1) What kind of insecurities...
Economic land concessions profile: Land and Developing (Cambodia)
A webpage list showing company name, address, director name and nationality, status of company registration with the Ministry of Commerce, legal papers and investment rights, EL...
The 2003 agricultural census (Thailand)
A report on Thailand’s 2003 Agricultural Census. The report outlines the census aims, methodology and summarises the findings. Graphs are provided on number of agricultural hold...
Business registration: Ratanak Stone (Cambodia) Development Co., Ltd.
This screenshot provides information of Ratanak Stone (Cambodia) Development Co., Ltd..The company was registered at the Ministry of Commerce. The Chairman of this company is Mr...
Business registration: Phea Pimex Group Co., Ltd.
This screenshot provides information of Phea Pimex Group Co., Ltd. The company was registered at the Ministry of Commerce. The Chairman of this company is Chum Teav Choeung Soph...
Business registration: Golden Metal Group Co, Ltd.
This screenshot provides information of Golden Metal Group Co, Ltd.The registration was done at the Ministry of Commerce. The Chairman of this company is Mr. Zong Phillip. The t...
Business registration: Cambodia International Mining Group Co., Ltd
This screenshot provides information of Cambodia International Mining Group Co., Ltd. (C.I.M.G). The registration was done at the Ministry of Commerce. The Chairman of this comp...
Business registration: O.D.M.J Coal Mine Co., Ltd
This screenshot provides information of O.D.M.J Coal mine Co., Ltd.. The registration was done at the Ministry of Commerce with 99-year term. The total share is 4,000,000,000 di...
Basic statistics 2015 (indicators of the Millennium Development Goals)
Basic Statistics 2015 covers the indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) such as the proportion of population living below $1.25 (PPP) a day, infant mortality rate...