Law on Implementation of the Civil Code
This law aims to protect sustainability of legal relations in civil matters and guarantee proper application of the Civil Code.
Criminal Code
Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2009 aims to provide the limitation of the criminal law, what people should and should not do, and other mechanisms pertaining to the cr...
Directory of organizations and lawyers providing legal services to journalists in Cambodia
CCIM is making profile of 6 organizations providing the legal services to human rights defenders and journalists at risks. Those organizations such as Cambodia Human Rights and ...
Fair Trial Rights in Cambodia Second Bi-annual Report 2011
This report is an output of the Cambodian Trial Monitoring Project (the “Project”), implemented by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”). The purp...
Human rights in Cambodia: The charade of justice
A report about the justice system in Cambodia. It is argued that despite UNTAC intervention and 15 years of aid to legal and judicial reform, in 2007 the primary functions of th...
Cambodia 2014 Human Rights Report
Three leading human rights problems were the arbitrary suspension of the right to assemble in the capital, a politicized and ineffective judiciary, and constraints on freedom of...
ASEAN investment report 2017
This report examines the historical investment development of two Dialogue Partner of ASEAN which are the European Union (EU) and India within which Major Multinational Enterpri...
Prakas No. 369 on the organization and functioning of the information technology council of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
The Information Technology Council of the Ministry of Economy and Finance is established to lead, coordinate, and promote the construction and development of information and di...
Sub-decree No. 42 on the land reclassification to the 4 civil servant families in Banteay Meanchey
Sub-decree No. 42 on the land reclassification covering 4 buildings with an area of 320 square meters and 4 buildings as E0 + E1 with an area of 640 square meters, which is...
Sub decree No.202 on the cut of 25 hectares and 93 acres of land in Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province from the forest cover in 2002 and reclassified as state private land
This sub decree aims to cut out an area of 25 hectares and 93 acres of land in Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province from the forest cover in 2002 and reclassified as state...
Sub-decree No. 02 on the abolition of sub-decree No. 139 dated September 1, 2020 on the adjustment of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) area in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree shows the abolition of sub-decree No. 139 dated September 1, 2020 on the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) located in Phnom Penh.
Sub-decree No. 01 on the abolition of article 1 of sub-decree No. 138 dated September 01, 2020 on the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree is repealed by article 1 of sub-decree No. 138 dated September 1, 2020 on the amendment of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh.
Sub-Decree No. 88 on deployment master plan for land development projects at Bokor city
Sub-Decree No. 88 on deployment master plan for land development projects at Bokor city has set a vision at 2035 and been possible to revise every 5 years due to necessity of ec...
Closing vend definitive of economic land concessions and deactivate of rubber plantation investments
Closing Vend Definitive of Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) and deactivate of Rubber Plantation Investments comply with the policy on strengthening land management, distributio...
The Chinese North-South Railway Project
In early January 2013, the Cambodian media and the international press reported the signing of a major deal with two Chinese companies for a railway construction and port devel...
Circular No.03 on the Preparation of Strategic Budget Plan 2022-2024
Within the framework for the reform of public financial management, the quality enhancement and efficiency of strategic budget planning are important measures for improving the ...
Sub-Decree No. 46 on the land reclassification of 23,092 hectares in forest cover areas in 2002 and economic land concessions of GREENRICH GROUP CO., LTD.
Sub-Decree No. 46 on the land reclassification of 23,092 hectares in forest cover areas in 2002 and economic land concessions of GREENRICH GROUP CO., LTD in Koh Kong Province as...
Screen capture the report of actual revenue and expenditure of municipal/district /khan administration in the Kingdom of Cambodia (2015-2020)
The report compares the actual revenue and expenditure with the estimated revenue and expenditure for a given period of time. The report also shows the deviation of the budget a...
Circular on implementation of prakas on credit risk grading and impairment provisioning
The National Bank of Cambodia introduced the additional implementation information of prakas on credit risk grading and impairment provisioning aims to facilitate for bank and f...
Instruction No. 24 on the measures to improve efficiency and telecoms quality of service
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications issued an instruction on the measures to improve efficiency and telecoms quality of service, thrust to promote public interest, business ...