Sub-decree No. 93 on the classification of state public land for the construction of a 400 MW power plant with a port for oil and gas tankers, electric utility, and oil and gas station in Koh Reah Krom village, Koh Reah commune, Lvea Em district Kandal province
About 43 hectares of land for the construction of a 400 MW power plant with a port for oil and gas tankers, electric utility, and oil and gas station in Koh Reah Krom village, K...
Notification No. 024 on the opening of mining concession areas for applying for mineral exploration licenses
Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a notification on the opening of mining concession areas for domestic and foreign mineral companies to apply for a mineral explo...
Prakas No. 121 on the recognition of the "Ang Intha" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Boeng Char village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Ang Intha" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,307 hectares is located in Boeng Char village, B...
Prakas No. 124 on the recognition of the "Koh Enchey" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Koh Enchey village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Koh Enchey" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,380 hectares is located in Koh Enchey village, ...
Prakas No. 122 on the recognition of the "Kampong Damrei" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Kampong Damrei village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Kampong Damrei" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,302 hectares is located in Kampong ...
Prakas No. 123 on the recognition of the "Kampong Kboeung" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Kampong Kboeung village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Kampong Kboeung" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 981 hectares is located in Kampong Kboeung v...
Basic information of school by province (2012-2013)
This dataset consists of information about education statistics and indicators for the academic year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. It includes the promotion, drop-out, and repetitio...
Radio station in Cambodia
This dataset describes the information of radio station for each of Cambodia’s province. The data was collected from website of fmscan.org by ODC’s mappers in image format. Geog...
Population density
This vector dataset provides the population density by commune in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of Statist...
Key biodiversity areas (KBA) and important bird areas (IBA) of Cambodia (2013)
This asset provides boundaries of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) in Cambodia, the development status and priority status of each and whether each KBA is a BirdLife International-d...
Eviction and relocation hotspots in Cambodia (2013)
This asset provides the area of eviction hotspots and relocation hotspots in Cambodia, with raster value that demonstrates number of families affected, given by Sahmakum Teang T...
Aquaculture production and consumption in Cambodia (2011)
This vector dataset provides aquaculture production and consumption metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to OD...
Gene-ecological zones of Cambodia (2003)
The dataset provides map boundaries of around 10 different zones that can be delineated and that each zone can be characterized and differentiated on the basis of its geographic...
Fish production
This vector dataset provides aquaculture production metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to Open Development C...
Rice ecosystem map for Cambodia
This vector dataset provides the locations of rice ecosystem types in Cambodia, as given by the International Rice Research Institute's (IRRI) Cambodia-IRRI Rice Project. Four d...
Water treatment plant in Phnom Penh
This dataset shows the locations of water treatment plant in Phnom Penh which are under the operation of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority. There are 4 locations in this dataset...
Schools in flood-prone area 2013 (information 2012&2014)
This dataset is created by clipping between Cambodia flood-prone areas in 2013 dataset and Basic information of school dataset to identify schools are under the flood extend in ...
Systematic land registration in Cambodia (2013)
This dataset describes the status of systematic land registration in Cambodia's communes by March 2013, as given in the Cambodian Ministry of Land Management's Land Administrati...
Net migration rate in Cambodia by district (2008)
This vector dataset provides the net migration rate by district in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of Statis...
Identification of households in Cambodia, round 5 (2011)
This dataset describes the poverty levels (1, 2 or other) covering 4,227 villages in 9 provinces. Data were provided to ODC in vector format by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas ...