Assessment of the Credit Opportunities for Indigenous Communities in Cambodia Holding a Collective Land Title
To explore the reports that it might be more difficult for members of indigenous communities with collective title to access finance, OHCHR commissioned an in-depth review of th...
Instruction on the Management and Use of Weapons in Protected Areas
This instruction is established to effectively control ammunition in natural protected areas in accordance with the Law on Protected Areas, the Law on the Management and Control...
Law on the Management of Weapons, Explosives and Ammunition
This law aims at determining the management of weapons, explosives, and ammunition of any and all types in the Kingdom of Cambodia. This law also governs the equipping, possessi...
Human rights and Cambodia's prisons: Health in prisons 2002 & 2003
Since 1997, LICADHO has issued reports on human rights and Cambodian prisons,highlighting the issues of most serious concern and recommending avenues of change. As an independen...
Accountability and managing for results accountability to whom? Who hold whom accountable?
Each principle of the Paris Declaration is separately and mutually important to achieving the effective use of aid to produce actual results on the ground. Mutual accountability...
The National Identification of Poor Households Programme: A key tool to support equitable development
The overall objective of the Ministry of Planning Identification of Poor Households Programme is to officially mandate Standardised Procedures for Identification of Poor Househo...
Impacts of economic land concessions on project target communities living near concession areas in Virachey National Park and Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Ratanakiri province
This is a case study on impacts of Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) project on communities living surrounded in Virachey National Park and Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Ratanakiri...
Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Centre
A screenshot is from the website of Phnom Tamao zoo and shows detail information and a map of the Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Centre (PTWRC). The Phnom Tamao...
Sub-decree No. 61 on the establishment of Phnom Krang Dei Meas protected landscape area
Phnom Krang Dei Meas protected landscape area was created in accordance with sub-decree issued by the Royal Government of Cambodia as proposed by Ministry of Environment. This p...
Forest degradation in Cambodia: An assessment of monitoring options in the central cardamom protected forest
To assess monitoring options in the CCPF, a conceptual framework was developed, which includes three steps: 1) define biomass reference for monitoring in each forest strata of i...
The Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: water-related conflicts with abundance of water
In this article we analyze water-related tensions and conflicts within the Tonle Sap Lake area of Cambodia. We do so with three case studies that focus on different kinds of wat...
Securing Cambodia’s future food, energy and natural resources
This is a welcome remark of H.E Dr Sok Siphana on annual outlook Conference that organized by CDRI and ANZ Royal Bank to bring leaders across Cambodia public life to consider Ca...
Announcement: Angkor Gold Corp. becomes Angkor Resources Corp.
On 04 September 2019, Angkor Gold Corp. issued on announcement that the company would change its name from Angkor Gold Corp. to Angkor Resources Corp.
Investing in the next generation: Growing tall and smart with toilets
Open defecation within a community harms the physical and cognitive development of children, even children living in households that use toilets themselves. Frequently digesting...
Directory of Cambodian Non-Government Organizations (CNGOs) 2006-2007
The Directory of Cambodian NGOs (2006-2007) contains organizational profiles of 220 local non-government organizations registered and active in Cambodia. This edition also inclu...
Scorecard of the implementation of Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDG) at sub-national levels by capital, provinces, municipalities, districts, khans in year 2012
The Working Group of Decentralization and Deconcentration and Sethkomar (WGDDS) of Ministry of Planning has studied and presented questionnaires for collecting raw data and tra...
Announcement on the approval for Cambodian oil and gas concession requested by Angkor Gold Corp.
Angkor Gold Corp., through its subsidiary EnerCam Resources Co. Ltd. (“EnerCam”), has received the approval of the Royal Government of Cambodia on its application for a 7300 squ...
Blood bricks: untold stories of modern slavery and climate change from Cambodia
This report tells ten untold stories of modern slavery and climate change. The report reinforces why decent work is a powerful protection against contemporary forms of slavery: ...
Decision on the introduction of Kampot city land use master plan for 2030 vision
The Kampot Provincial Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning, and the Kampot City Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning have to make a plan for the effectiv...
Law on Amendment of the Labor Law
This law makes amendments of the Labor Law 1997 on the title of the 3rd point of Chapter 4's part 3, Article 87 (new) , 89 (new), 90 (new), 91 (new), 94 (new), 110 (new), 120 (n...