Decision No. 29 on setting of the sand business
This decision determines the exploitation of all types of sand within the framework of the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect the natural environment, both freshwater and m...
Prakas No. 228 on the business management of valuable metals and gemstones as jewelry
This Prakas aims to set the conditions for business management of precious metals and gemstones throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia. Precious metals and gemstones as jewelry are ...
Prakas No. 340 on registration and conditions for granting, extending and transferring of mineral license
This Prakas aims to provide decisions and information on the registration of the mineral resources business, the application form for the mineral resources license, the terms of...
Sub-decree No. 08 on determination of investment policy on all types of mineral resources
All types of natural mineral resources are not allowed to be exported, those minerals are kept to supply the needs of local factories for processing into finished products. Only...
Information series on public service of Ministry of Mines and Energy 2016
The Information Series on Public Service of the Ministry of Mines and Energy is a collection of materials produced by the ministry in 2016. It provides relevant information on v...
Law on the amendment of the law on the management and exploitation of mineral resources, promulgated by Royal Kram no. 0701/09
Law no. 0618/009 on the amendment of article 3, article 23, article 30, article 33, article 34, article 35, article 36, article 37, article 38, article 39 and article 40 of the ...
List of polling station locations for the 7th national assembly election 2023 in 25 capitals and provinces
List of polling station locations for the 7th national assembly election 2023 in 25 capitals and provinces excerpted from the website of the National Election Committee (NEC).
Documentation of customary land tenure in Cambodia
This book presents a flexible framework for documenting customary tenure rights aimed at helping civil society organizations (CSOs) and communities adapt the documentation proce...
Law on civil status, civil status statistics and identification
This law sets out the rules and procedures relating to civil registration, residence registration, civil status statistics, personal identification and population management, an...
Law on rules origin of goods
This law sets out the principles and rules of origin of exported and imported goods in order to promote and facilitate trade that benefits from trade preferences and non-prefere...
A brief guide to information on extractive industry revenue management in Cambodia
This guide aims to provide a collective picture of the availability of the information on Extractive Industry (EI) revenue management and therefore serve as a useful resource fo...
Sub-decree No. 154 on the transfer of resources from the state budget to cummune/sangkat for local development expenditures
This sub-decree is intended to limit the transfer of resources from the state budget to the commne/sangkat for spending on local development for five (5) years from 2024 to 2028.
Oil revenue prospects for Cambodia
This report seeks to provide an estimate of potential government revenue from KrisEnergy’s proposed Block A offshore oil project. This report is developed in five main sections....
Sub-decree No. 152 on the transfer of resources from the state budget to municipal/district fund
This sub-decree is intended to limit the transfer of resources from the state budget to the municipal/district fund for five (5) years from 2024 to 2028. The purpose of this sub...
Economic census 2011
This dataset shows the economic census of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2011 by province, district and commune.
Oil and gas revenue management options for Cambodia
This research paper studied Cambodia's oil and gas revenue and the current status of Cambodia's oil and gas in 2014. This paper will also examine the factors most relevant to a ...
Sub-decree no. 117 on the implementation of Mondulkiri's land management plan
This sub-decree is implemented into the land management plan of Mondulkiri province with the vision to 2040 as attached in this sub-decree.
Sub-Decree No. 139 on the implementation of the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
This sub-decree aims to implement the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia. It applies to investment projects that are registered by the Council for the Development of C...
Sub-Decree No. 111 on the implementation of the law on the amendment of the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
This Sub Decree is about the implementation of the Law on the Amendment of the Law on Investment. It is to add more provisions in order to improve and manage the law on investme...
Data literacy training material
The training aims to enhance the capacity of the cluster members on data literacy which focusing on get to understand data, Data standard, Data visualization principles and the ...