Prakas no. 0093 on the procedures for self-declaration and payment of royalties on mineral resources by concessionaires with open mining and quarrying stations for mining and construction
This Prakas aims to strengthen the management and revenue collection of all types of construction royalties and to determine the procedures for self-declaration of royalties and...
Circular no. 0310 on the measures for the transportation of all types of construction minerals
The Ministry of Mines and Energy has observed that in the past, the transportation of all types of construction minerals, including rocks, gravel, sand, red clay, clay, rubble, ...
Inter-ministerial Prakas no. 284 on royalty rates on mineral products and royalties' payment procedures
All concessionaires except the exploration and mining licenses must pay the state a royalty on the value of the mineral products (or "royalties") obtained. In accordance with th...
Prakas no. 321 on the delegation of functions in providing relevant administrative services and licensing of mineral resources for craft and small-scale mining operations to the capital and provincial administration
This Prakas aims to improve the quality, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of the management and exploitation of mineral resources through the delegatio...
Sub-decree no. 182 on the functions and structure of municipal administration
This sub-decree aims to improve the efficiency of administrative management, public service delivery and local development at the municipal level.
Project fact sheet: Tracking public revenues from extractive industries in Cambodia
The tracking public revenues from extractive industries in Cambodia project aims to enhance government accountability and increase awareness and public debate.
Sub-decree no. 183 on the functions and administrative structure of district in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree aims to improve the efficiency of administration, public service delivery and development in Phnom Penh.
Prakas no. 3871 on the organizing and functioning of the One Window Service Office (OWSO)
This Prakas aims to determine the organization and functioning of the OWSO in the Capital and Provincial Administration in order to gather the provision of administrative servic...
Royal decree no. 1022/1292 on the adjustment of administrative boundaries between Pailin and Battambang provinces
This royal decree adjusts the administrative boundary between Pailin municipality, Pailin province and Samlout district, Battambang province, by deducting the geographical area ...
Increasing transparency in the extractive industries in Cambodia
This report analyzes the regulatory framework for the extractive industries in Cambodia. It uses several non-governmental sources to estimate the revenue amount that the governm...
Webpage capture on a news article of Cambodia churns out 4.85 tonnes of dore bars
This webpage capture highlights important information on the company of Xinshan Industrial Cambodia and related details.
Notification on the first industrial gold mining and refinery
Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Limited is the first Australian company to start industrial gold mining to international standards, producing today a semi-finished gold bar with...
Webpage capture on minister fails to explain spending in oil revenue
The webpage capture the information on the revenue of $28 million paid by Total to the government, $20 million was paid as a signing bonus, $6 million went to a social fund and ...
Table of reports on total royalties, including mineral production in 2022
Table of reports on total royalties, including mineral production in 2022.
Sub-decree no. 281 on the land reclassification of 896 hectares in Peak Snaeng commune, Svay Chek commune and Leang Dai commune, Angkor Thom district, Siem Reap province
This sub-decree covers the cutting area of 896 hectares located in Peak Snaeng commune, Svay Chek commune and Leang Dai commune, Angkor Thom district, Siem Reap province, accord...
List of non-tax revenue report of the Ministry of Mines and Energy from 2019 to 2020
List of non-tax revenue report of the Ministry of Mines and Energy from 2019 to 2020.
Sub-decree no. 72 on management of non-tax revenue
This sub-decree aims to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of the management and collection of non-tax revenue.
Joint-Prakas no. 128 on the amendment of the annex schedule and Joint Prakas no. 1451 dated 03 November 2015 on the provision of public services and monetary transfers by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
This sub-decree has been amended the table of annexes and joint Prakas no. 1451 dated 03 November 2015 on the provision of public services and monetary penalties by the Ministry...
Sub-decree no. 39 on Borey management
This sub-decree aims to determine the organization and management of the Borey, as well as the principles, mechanisms and procedures for the registration of land plots, resident...
Access to health facilities
This raster dataset provides access to health facilities information in Cambodia, as given by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Dataset were provided to Open Development Camb...