Education technology roadmap
This roadmap’s vision is to build the next-generation technology-enhanced learning ecosystem focusing on improving innovation and entrepreneurship skills. Its main objective is ...
Policy and strategy on information and communication technology in education
The Royal Government of Cambodia recognizes that ICT will increasingly become a key tool to transform the national economy and industry, and to improve the lives of its people. ...
Policy and strategies on information and communication technology in education in Cambodia
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is introducing various initiatives to facilitate greater integration of information and communication technology (ICT) to impr...
Royal Kram no.0119/001 on the new 45 mentions (duplicate) of the political party law
This law highlights political party that has decided to suspend action does not allow to compete in the election.
Inter-ministry Prakas no.664 on surface rental fee for mineral license
This inter-ministry Prakas shows the concessionaire who obtains all the mineral resource licenses, except the mineral resource processing license, shall pay to the state for Lan...
Sub-decree no. 182 on cutting the land of 30 hectares 79 ares 56 Centi-ares from the forest cover 2002 in Lauka village, Sangkat Sokh Dom, Saen Monourom city, Mondul Kiri province, and reclassified as a state private property
This sub-decree aims to cut the land of 30 hectares 79 ares 56 Centi-ares from the forest cover 2002 Lauka village, Sangkat Sokh Dom, Saen Monourom city, Mondul Kiri province,...
Prakas no. 1020 on rules and procedures for implementing tax obligations for business gambling enterprises
This Prakas aims to define the rules and procedures for the implementation of fiscal obligations for commercial gambling enterprises to ensure the effective management of tax co...
Sub-decree no. 156 on the cutting land size of 1 hectare of 83 ares of land in Kandal village, Sung commune, Samlout district, Battambang province, from the forest cover in 2002 to reclassify it as state private land to the army of the Ministry of National Defense
This sub-decree shows the cutting land size of 1 hectare of 83 ares (one hectare eighty-three ares) in Kandal village, Sung commune, Samlout district, Battambang province from t...
Amendment no. 001 of Article 3, 17, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 54, 55, 59 of union law to be announced by Royal Kram 0516/007, 17 May 2016
This amendment aims to announce to set out by Royal Kram No. 0516/007, 17 May 2016
Sub-decree No.132 on establishment of Tian Rui Agricultural Trade SEZ
Tian Rui Agricultural Trade special economic zone is established in an area located in Doun Euan village, Ou Tapung village, Pring Tek Village, amd Sre Thlork village, Korng Pis...
Sub-decree no. 47 on determining the Mekong river dolphin management area
This sub-decree identifies the Mekong river dolphin management area to protect and conserve dolphins, which are sacred natural resources, to effectively participate in the devel...
Decision no. 58 on the transfer of rights to H.E Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy as Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, replacing H.E Cham Prasidh
This sub-decree aims to transfer authority to HE Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, as acting minister of Commerce, replacing HE Cham Prasidh, who was on a mission...
Decision no. 126 on the establishment of an alliance between the army training center and the Ministry of Mines and Energy 2014
This sub-decree aims to forge an alliance between the Army Training Center and the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
Decision no. 36 on the transfer of rights to HE Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy as acting Minister of Commerce
This decision has been transferred to Excellency Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, as Minister of Commerce, replacing HE Cham Prasidh, who will be on a mission ab...
Decision no. 28 on the transfer of rights to HE Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy as acting Minister of Commerce
This decision has been transferred to Excellency Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, as acting Minister of Commerce, replacing HE Cham Prasidh, who will be on a mis...
Decision no. 39 on the transfer of rights to H.E Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy as acting Minister of the Ministry of Commerce
This decision has been transferred to Excellency Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, as Minister of Commerce, replacing HE Cham Prasidh, who will be on a mission ab...
Sub-decree no. 113 on the amendment of article 1 of sub-decree no. 08 dated 31 January 2005 on the determination of investment policy on mineral resources all types
This sub-decree aims to decide on the amendment of article 1 of sub-decree no. 08 dated 31 January 2005 on the determination of investment principles on all types of mineral res...
Sub-decree no. 160 on providing additional budget loans for management 2008 to the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
This sub-decree shows that in accordance with article 61 of the law on the public financial system promulgated by Royal Kram No. NS / RKAM / 0508/016 dated 13 May 2008, it is al...
Sub-decree no. 43 on the promotion of the industrial property office of the department of industrial technology to the industrial property department of the general department of industry of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (043/0503)
This sub-decree aims to upgrade the office of industrial property of the department of industrial technology to the department of industrial property under the general departmen...
Sub-decree no. 141 on the establishment of the internal audit department of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
This sub-decree shows the Department of Internal Audit in charge of performing the duties under Sub-Decree No. 40 dated 15 February 2005 on the organization and organization and...