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22 datasets found

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  • Community protected areas (2006-2021)

    This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...

  • Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)

    This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...

  • Fisheries resource management data

    The dataset provides information on fish sanctuary, community fishery, and flooded forest in Cambodia up to 2021. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 zone 48 coordinate re...

  • State land reclassification

    This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public property and the reclassification to state private property of some areas in Phnom Penh, Ka...

  • Allocated land for social land concession

    This dataset shows information about the land concession implemented by The Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development (LASED) Phase3 Phase 2 which covers the LASED pha...

  • Management zones of natural protected areas (2019-2023)

    The dataset​ shows​ the​ management​ zones​ of​ the​ natural​ protected​ areas​ in​ 4​ classifications​ such​ as​ core​ zone,​ conservation​ zone,​ sustainable​ use​ zone,​ and​...

  • Commune database of Cambodia, commune-level (2011)

    The Commune Database is produced by the NCDD (National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development). This file contains excerpts of the Database, namely quantitative data a...

  • Kep city land use master plan for 2030 vision

    This map is a plan for the land use for Kep city in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia

    This dataset collects data on the reclassifying of protected areas by increasing the area and decreasing the area of ​​protected areas in Cambodia, such as: protected landscape,...

  • Siem Reap city land use master plan for 2035 vision

    This map shows the land use master plan of Siem Reap city for 2035 vision. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Reserved land for social land concession

    This dataset contains information on the reserved land for social land concession for civil people and military issued by Royal Government of Cambodia from 2006 to 2020. The lan...

  • Population census 2019 (Final population totals)

    This dataset provides a final result census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total ...

  • Population census 2019 (Provisional population totals)

    This dataset provides a provisional census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total h...

  • Marine fisheries management area

    This​ dataset​ shows the Cambodia's first large-scale marine protected area in order to enhance the protection of the marine biodiversity and fisheries livelihood within​ Archip...

  • Battambang provincial land use plan for 2030 vision

    This map is a plan for the land use for Battambang province in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Families affected by climate hazards 2016

    This dataset contains records of number of families affected by climate hazards comprising storm, flood and drought in 2016 at province level, which was extracted from Climate C...

  • Vulnerability to climate hazards

    Vulnerability to climate hazards is implied by indicators, defined as the Vulnerability Index (VI), which corresponding to major natural hazards, categorized as drought, storm, ...

  • Mine and Explosive Remnant of War (ERW) accident casualties (2016-2017)

    This dataset contains information, extracted from Monthly Report for December 2017 of Cambodia Mine/ERW Victim Information System (CMVIS)​ published by Cambodian Mine Action and...

  • Kampot city land use master plan for 2030 vision

    This map is a plan for the land use for Kampot city in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Land use master plan of Phnom Penh city 2035

    This map shows the land use master plan of Phnom Penh city in 2035 which was adopted by the Royal Government of Cambodia in accordance with Sub-decree No. 181 on 23 December 2015.