Booklet on natural resources and wildlife status in protected areas and northern biodiversity corridor, north Tonle Sap lake 2020
This booklet provides a useful source of information and related data on the status of wildlife presence, habitats, natural resources, protected area commu...
Forestry magazine No 62 on the achievement for the first half of 2020 of forestry administration
This magazine showcases the achievement of the Forestry Administration in the first semester of 2020. The content in this magazine consists of the update...
Press release No. 490 of the Ministry of Environment on the state land registration of Pream Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province
According to this press release, the Peam Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province were registered as state land...