Population census 2019 (Final population totals)
This dataset provides a final result census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total ...
Population census 2019 (Provisional population totals)
This dataset provides a provisional census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total h...
Marine fisheries management area
This dataset shows the Cambodia's first large-scale marine protected area in order to enhance the protection of the marine biodiversity and fisheries livelihood within Archip...
Booklet on natural resources and wildlife status in protected areas and northern biodiversity corridor, north Tonle Sap lake 2020
This booklet provides a useful source of information and related data on the status of wildlife presence, habitats, natural resources, protected area commu...
Forestry magazine No 62 on the achievement for the first half of 2020 of forestry administration
This magazine showcases the achievement of the Forestry Administration in the first semester of 2020. The content in this magazine consists of the update...
Infographic of Social Land Concession Program in Cambodia
This Social Land Concession infographic was coproduced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Cambodia, funded by...
Battambang provincial land use plan for 2030 vision
This map is a plan for the land use for Battambang province in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Families affected by climate hazards 2016
This dataset contains records of number of families affected by climate hazards comprising storm, flood and drought in 2016 at province level, which was extracted from Climate C...
Vulnerability to climate hazards
Vulnerability to climate hazards is implied by indicators, defined as the Vulnerability Index (VI), which corresponding to major natural hazards, categorized as drought, storm, ...
Mine and Explosive Remnant of War (ERW) accident casualties (2016-2017)
This dataset contains information, extracted from Monthly Report for December 2017 of Cambodia Mine/ERW Victim Information System (CMVIS) published by Cambodian Mine Action and...
Kampot city land use master plan for 2030 vision
This map is a plan for the land use for Kampot city in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Land use master plan of Phnom Penh city 2035
This map shows the land use master plan of Phnom Penh city in 2035 which was adopted by the Royal Government of Cambodia in accordance with Sub-decree No. 181 on 23 December 2015.
Forest cover in Cambodia (1973-2014)
This dataset shows forest cover in Cambodia in 1973, 1989, 2000, 2004, 2009 and 2014. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84, Zone 48 North coordinate reference system. Data w...
Mine and Explosive Remnant of War (ERW) accident casualties (2018-2019)
This dataset contains information, extracted from Monthly Report for October 2019 of Cambodia Mine/ERW Victim Information System (CMVIS) published by Cambodian Mine Action and ...
Press release No. 490 of the Ministry of Environment on the state land registration of Pream Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province
According to this press release, the Peam Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province were registered as state land...
Law on amendment to the law on fishery
Article 6, 41, 42, 43 and 95 of the law on fishery promulgated by Royal Kram NS/RKM/0506/011 dated May 21 2006 shall be amended as described in this ...
Law on Forestry
This law defines the framework for management, harvesting, use, development and conservation of the forests in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Briefing Note on Business and Human Rights: Preventing, Mitigating and Remedying Land-Related Rights Violations in the Kingdom of Cambodia
The purpose of this Briefing Note is to identify key issues pertaining to business human rights in Cambodia through the analysis of three land-related conflicts, and to propose ...
Community forestry statistic in Cambodia 2013 (Kampong Speu province)
This publication consists of maps and detailed information about community forestry area in Kampong Speu province by 2013.
Community forestry statistic in Cambodia 2013 (Kampong Chhnang province)
This publication consists of maps and detailed information about community forestry area in Kampong Chhnang province by 2013.