Using Smart Phone for data collection: Kobo Toolbox (in Khmer)
The video tutorials on the Kobo Toolbox data collection in the Khmer language were produced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in 2019. The purpose of making these videos is to ...
Learning math in Tumpuon
This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by th...
Learning math in Kavet
This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by th...
Learning math in Phnong
This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by th...
Learning math in Krung
This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by th...
Panel Discussion: Global Index on Responsible AI: Cambodia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
This insightful discussion features two panelists: Ms. Heang Omuoy, CEO of ADITI Co., Ltd, and Mr. Merl Chandana, Team Lead of the Data, Algorithms, and Policy (DAP) team at LIR...
Presentation: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Rights in Southeast Asia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
In this presentation, Dr. Marc Piñol Rovira, Research Manager and oversees the operations of the research team at Asia Centre, providing insights and explanations on this crucia...
Panel Discussion: Draft Law on Cybercrime Law in Cambodia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
Esteemed speaker for the panel Discussion on the topic: "Draft Law on Cybercrime Law in Cambodia," is Lt. Col. Chhay Bunrommanith. The discussion is moderated by Dr. Marc Piñol ...
Opening Ceremony (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
The ceremony was a smooth and successful event, proceeded with the presence of H.E. Dr. Sam Sethserey, Director General of the General Department of Information and Communicatio...
Story book of my little PAOPAO
This storybook is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Civil Society Suppor...
Story book of MEYMEY and her adventure at twilight kingdom
This storybook is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Civil Society Suppor...
Story book of all love is beautiful
This storybook is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Civil Society Suppor...
Story book of canva's dream
This storybook is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Civil Society Suppor...
Story book of my parents are women
This storybook is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Civil Society Suppor...
Podcast by YoungEco: Environmental economy, ecosystems services and natural solutions
Dr. Phanith Chou is an environmental economist. He is an associate Professor at the Department of Community Development, Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Dr. Phanith has ...
Stream by Young Eco podcast event recap
In this video series, there are 3 recap video including a recap of Stream by Young Eco event and recap of Stream Listener Club by Young Eco. Stream by Young Eco cooperated with ...
Barriers to representation: Freedom of association in Cambodia
This report functions as a component of an ongoing project between CENTRAL, CATU, and C.CAWDU to document the extent to which Freedom of Association (FOA) has been contravened a...
Podcast by YoungEco: Understand inclusive and water governance
Kaneka Keo serves as the Inclusion Mekong Regional Water Governance Project – Phase II Manager for Oxfam. In her role, Kaneka has responsibilities for overall project management...
Big data and artificial intelligence for mapping vulnerability in Cambodia
This policy brief documents the key insights and learnings from the development of the Cambodia Vulnerability Mapping tool. This tool combines traditional and big data sources t...
Panel Discussion 1 on "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia
This video is the panel discussion 1 on the topic: "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sus...