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Guideline on administrative management of Municipal and District administration

The Royal Government recognizes the important role of municipal and district administrations in promoting the provision of public services and economic development at the local level to meet the specific needs of the people within the jurisdiction of each municipal administration. In this regard, and based on the progress of decentralization and deconcentration reforms, the Royal Government has issued a guide on the administration of municipal administration in order to adjust the structure and functions of municipal administrations to become frontline local administrations. There is a management system in accordance with the principles of a unified administration aimed at promoting local economic development and the provision of public services to the people within the jurisdiction of each municipal administration to be more effective, transparent, accountable, environmentally friendly and socially equitable.

Data Resources (1)

Data Resource Preview - Guideline on administrative management of Municipal and District administration

Additional Info

Field Value
Document type Guidelines, instruction manuals, handbooks
Language of document
  • Khmer
  • Administration
  • Decentralization and deconcentration
  • Provincial and local governments
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Cambodia
Copyright To be determined
Access and use constraints

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Version / Edition 1

No license given


Ministry of Interior Address: #275 ​Norodom Bluv, Phnom Penh Tel: 023 721 905 023 726 052 023 721 190 Email:

Author (corporate) General Department of Administration of the Ministry of Interior
Publication date 2023
Pagination 214
Legacy reference document Guideline_on_adminstrative_management_municipal_district__00.00.23.pdf
Keywords Municipal
Date uploaded July 11, 2023, 2:24 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified August 21, 2023, 6:50 AM (UTC+00:00)