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  • Video tutorial on data literacy​ training

    This video series presents 11 lessons and introduction to data literacy organized by the Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) to provide video tutorials on data literacy...

  • National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035

    "The National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035" has been developed by updating and replacing the "National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025" to further...

  • Decolonizing Emerging Technology: An Intersectional Feminist Approach to Resisting Technology-Facilitated Oppression

    Emerging technologies are exacerbating gender-based violence (GBV), disinformation, and environmental dispossession, disproportionately affecting womxn, LGBTQ+ individuals, and...

  • Using Smart Phone for data collection: Kobo Toolbox (in Khmer)

    The video tutorials on the Kobo Toolbox data collection in the Khmer language were produced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in 2019. The purpose of making these videos is to...

  • Guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform

    This guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform aims to provide general information related to...

  • Education strategic plan 2024-2028

    The education strategic plan 2024-2028 has been crafted to transform the reforms outlined in the first phase of the Pentagon Strategy, education sector reform, and Cambodia...

  • Policy on inclusive education

    The goal of the Policy on Inclusive Education is to educate all persons with special needs to have knowledge, skills and attitude so that they are able to contribute to the...

  • Action plan on inclusive education 2024-2028

    Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2024-2028 is developed based on the achievements of the Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2019-2023 and envisions providing quality education...

  • Action plan on inclusive education 2019-2023

    Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2019-2023 have objectives to ensure early identification, assessment, and timely interventions, to provide access to inclusive and equitable...

  • Revenue collection strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the seventh legislature of the national assembly

    This revenue collection strategy aims to strengthen revenue collection by continuing to modernize the administration and fiscal and non-fiscal policies, while balancing,...

  • Cost of doing business in Myanmar: Survey Report

    This 3rd edition survey report provides inevitable information for the existing/potential investors to invest in Myanmar. The aim of this survey report is to increase investors...

  • Myanmar Investment Guide 2023

    The Myanmar Investment Guide 2023 consists of: the country profile, conducting Business in Myanmar, investment opportunities for the investors, trading, finance, and labor...

  • Myanmar Economic Monitor: Challenges Amid Conflict

    Economic conditions in Myanmar have deteriorated in the past six months, with the signs of recovery observed in the first half of 2023 proving to be fragile and short-lived....

  • Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region

    Truly gender equitable land policies and laws require equal say for all in shaping the legislation that will affect their rights and access to land. Numerical parity among men...

  • Myanmar community forest assessment report_recoftc_2022

    Establishment of Community Forestry (CF) was started in the Ayeyarwaddy delta where mangroves mainly occur in Myanmar right after Community Forestry Instructions (CFIs) was...

  • Learning math in Tumpuon

    This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by...

  • Learning math in Kavet

    This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by...

  • Learning math in Phnong

    This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by...

  • Learning math in Krung

    This digital educational resource is one of the outputs of the project "Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students," which is funded by...

  • estimates of mangrove cover and change reveal catastrophic deforestation in Myanmar

    Mangroves are one of the world's most threatened ecosystems, and Myanmar is regarded as the current mangrove deforestation hotspot globally. This study demonstrates the...

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