Joint Prakas on Recruitment or Entrance Examination and Exit Examination for Associated Degree at Health Training Institutions
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Joint Prakas Ministry of Health and Ministry of Information on Conditions of Advertisements of Modern Medicine, Traditional Medicines, Cosmetic, Feeding Products for Infants and Children, Tobacco, and Private Medical, Paramedical and Medical Aide Services
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Inter-Ministerial Joint Prakas on the Implementation of the Sub-Decree on the Marketing of Infant and Child Feeding Products
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Inter-Ministerial Prakas on Incentive Salary for Midwives
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Prakas on the Organization and Functioning of Primary Education Department
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Law Approving the Kingdom of Cambodia to be a Member of Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
International Labour Organization Convention No. 138 Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
International Labour Organization Convention No. 105 Conerning the Abolition of Forced Labour
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
International Labour Organization Convention No. 111 Concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
International Labour Organization Convention No. 100 Concerning Qual Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
International Labour Organization Convention No. 98 Concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
International Labour Organization Convention No. 87 Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
The Constitution of Cambodia
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
The Constitution of People's Republic of Cambodia
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
The Constitution of Democratic of Cambodia
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
The Constitution of Khmer Republic
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Law Adopting the Agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Concerning the Promotion and Protection of Investments
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Circular on Fee Payment for Night Work
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Cirular on the Posting of Regulatory Papers
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Circular on the Labour Dispute Settlement
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ