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  • Announcement: Angkor Gold Corp. becomes Angkor Resources Corp.

    On 04 September 2019, Angkor Gold Corp. issued on announcement that the company would change its name from Angkor Gold Corp. to Angkor Resources Corp.

  • Investing in the next generation: Growing tall and smart with toilets

    Open defecation within a community harms the physical and cognitive development of children, even children living in households that use toilets themselves. Frequently digesting...

  • Directory of Cambodian Non-Government Organizations (CNGOs) 2006-2007

    The Directory of Cambodian NGOs (2006-2007) contains organizational profiles of 220 local non-government organizations registered and active in Cambodia. This edition also...

  • Scorecard of the implementation of Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDG) at sub-national levels by capital, provinces, municipalities, districts, khans in year 2012

    The Working Group of Decentralization and Deconcentration and Sethkomar (WGDDS) of Ministry of Planning has studied and presented questionnaires for collecting raw data and...

  • Announcement on the approval for Cambodian oil and gas concession requested by Angkor Gold Corp.

    Angkor Gold Corp., through its subsidiary EnerCam Resources Co. Ltd. (“EnerCam”), has received the approval of the Royal Government of Cambodia on its application for a 7300...

  • Blood bricks: untold stories of modern slavery and climate change from Cambodia

    This report tells ten untold stories of modern slavery and climate change. The report reinforces why decent work is a powerful protection against contemporary forms of slavery:...

  • Decision on the introduction of Kampot city land use master plan for 2030 vision

    The Kampot Provincial Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning, and the Kampot City Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning have to make a plan for the...

  • Law on Amendment of the Labor Law

    This law makes amendments of the Labor Law 1997 on the title of the 3rd point of Chapter 4's part 3, Article 87 (new) , 89 (new), 90 (new), 91 (new), 94 (new), 110 (new), 120...

  • Labor Law

    This law governs relations between employers and workers resulting from employment contracts to be performed within the territory of the Kingdom of Cambodia, regardless of where...

  • Announcement No. 105 on changing new location of Khan Chamkarmon District Hall

    Chamkarmon District Hall, located at No. 168, Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Village 01 Boeung Keng Kang III, was changed to Boeung Keng Kang District Hall. Chamkarmon District Hall is...

  • Circular No. 08 on the flood preparedness and response

    The purpose of this Circular is to advise the relevant ministries, institutions and local authorities to take necessary measures to prepare for the upcoming flood, which caused...

  • Cambodia’s Voluntary National Review 2019: On the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

    In the last forty years, Cambodia has made enormous progress in recovering from protracted conflict and genocide, and the accompanying blows to the country’s social and economic...

  • Prakas No.464 on Instruction in Tax Compliance of Associations and Non-government Organizations

    This Prakas aims to strengthen tax compliance of associations and non-government organizations (NGOs) in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The objective of this Prakas is to provide...

  • Prakas No.360 on Occupations and Professions Prohibited for Foreign Workers

    The purpose of this Prakas is to determine the types of non-Cambodians self-employed occupants who are prohibited from working in the Kingdom of Cambodia. A self-employed person...

  • Sub-decree No. 09 on the adjustment of the administrative boundary between Ta Khmau municipality and S'ang district and Kandal Stung district of Kandal province

    The adjustment of the administrative boundary of Ta Khmau municipality with S'ang district and Kandal Stung district, is to cut out of four communes from Sa'ang district, namely...

  • Sub-decree No. 08 on the adjustment of the administrative boundary between Prey Veng municipality and Pur Rieng district of Prey Veng province

    The adjustment of the administrative boundary between Prey Veng municipality and Pur Rieng district of Prey Veng province is the cut out of Ta Kao commune from Pur Rieng...

  • Royal decrees No. 0819/1301 on the establishment of Tboung Khmum Appeal Court

    Tboung Khmum Appeal Court will start receiving cases from 01 April 2020 onward. Tboung Khmum Appeal Court is located in Tboung Khmum province. Tboung Khmum Appeal Court will...

  • Royal decrees No. 0819/1303 on the establishment of Preah Sihanouk Appeal Court

    Preah Sihanouk Appeal Court will start receiving cases from 01 April 2020 onward. Preah Sihanouk Appeal Court is located in Preah Sihanouk province. Preah Sihanouk Appeal Court...

  • Royal decrees No. 0819/1302 on the establishment of Battambang Appeal Court

    Battambang Appeal Court will start receiving cases from 01 April 2020 onward. Battambang Appeal Court is located in Battambang province. Battambang Appeal Court will handle...

  • Royal decrees No. 0819/1300 on the establishment of Phnom Penh Appeal Court

    Phnom Penh Appeal Court is tasked with settling appeals filed against decisions made by Phnom Penh Municipal Court and Kandal Provincial Court. Phnom Penh Appeal Court is also...