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  • Sub_decree No. 08 on the identification of community of Ream National Park with 1122.80 hectares of land in Bat Kokir village, and Ou Oknha Heng village​ of Ou Oknha Heng commune and Smach Daeng village of Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province

    This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Ream National Park which consists of 1122.80 hectares of land in Bat Kokir village and Ou Oknha Heng village​ of Ou Oknha Heng...

  • Sub_decree No. 03 on the identification of community of Snoul Wildlife Sanctually with 3662 hectares of land in Kaev Seima district, Mondul Kiri province

    This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Snoul Wildlife Sanctually which consists of 3662 hectares in Kaev Seima district, Mondul Kiri province as a management zone for...

  • Sub_decree No. 36 on the identification of community of Dong Peng Multiple Use Management Area with 779 hectares of land in Chhuk village, Chi kha Leu commune, Srae Ambel district, Koh Kong province

    This Sub-decree aims to identify the management area in Dong Peng Multiple Use Management Area which consists of 779 hectares of land in Chhuk village, Chi kha Leu commune, Srae...

  • Sub_decree No. 14 on the identification of community of Ream National Park in Ong village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province

    This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Ream National Park which consists of 84.5 hectares of land in Ong village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk...

  • Prakas​ No.​ 092​ on​ the​ recognition​ of​ "Srae​ Veal"​ Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ of​ Prey​ Lang​ Wildlife​ Sanctuary​ in​ Srae​ Veal​ village,​ Thmea​ commune,​ Chey​ Sen​ district,​ Preah​ Vihear​ province

    Srae​ Veal​ Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ with​ the​ area​ of​ 2,675.4​ hectares​ is​ located​ in​ Prey​ Lang​ Wildlife​ Sanctuary​ in​ Srae​ Veal​ village,​ Thmea​...

  • Prakas​ No.​ 032​ on​ the​ recognition​ of​ "Ph'av"​ Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ of​ Prey​ Lang​ Wildlife​ Sanctuary​ in​ Ph'av village,​ Anlong Phe commune,​ Thala Barivat district,​ Stung Treng​ province

    Ph'av​ Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ with​ the​ area​ of​ 1,119​ hectares​ is​ located​ in​ Prey​ Lang​ Wildlife​ Sanctuary​ in​ Ph'av village,​ Anlong Phe commune,​...

  • Building on a foundation stone: The long-term of a local infrastructure and governance program in Cambodia

    The report studies long-term democracy and human rights assistance, the focus in this report is on a specific programme (Seila) for decentralization, local democracy and local...

  • Cambodia MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF): Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment

    Gender equality and empowerment of women are key national development objectives in Cambodia as reflected in the Government’s Rectangular Strategy (RS) and the National...

  • Census of agriculture of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2013

    The main objective of the Census of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Cambodia (CAC) 2013 was to provide data on the temporal agricultural situation in the Kingdom of Cambodia to be...

  • Joint Prakas No. 648 on the provision of public services delivered by Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction

    The public services provided by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has been prepared as a public service list detailing the types of service,...

  • Joint Prakas No. 995 on the provision of public services delivered by Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction

    The public services provided by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has been prepared as a public service list detailing the types of service,...

  • Small-scale gold mining in Cambodia: A situation assessment

    This report documents the current situation of the gold mining sector in Cambodia based on the results of a survey conducted by the Department of Geology in four gold mining...

  • Rural electrification by renewable energy in Cambodia

    Power sector development policy was formulated in 1994, while energy strategic plan 1999-2016 was drafted and it was revised for 2004-2020. There is considerable potential of...

  • Cambodia's National Forest Programme: Framework document

    Cambodia's National Forest Programme is developed under observation of the principles for national forest programmes asset out by the UN Forum on Forests, as well as by national...

  • Rapid socio-economic and hydrological assessment of Prey Lang forest

    Rapid socio-economic and hydrological assessment of Prey Lang forest identifies the three principle components of focus: socio-economics, hydrology and the Prey Lang forest. The...

  • Annual report on power sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2012 edition

    The Annual Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2012 Edition is compiled from informations for the year 2011 collected by EAC and information received from...

  • Access to land title in Cambodia: A study of Systematic Land Registration in three Cambodian provinces and the Capital

    The primary focus of the research was to identify when and how exclusions and other barriers are preventing people from accessing Systematic Land Registration (SLR), and how...

  • Prakas No. 217 on allowing Golden Dorwin Trading Limited to quarry limestone in East Toukmeas mountain area, Kampot province

    This Prakas is to issue the licence for Golden Dorwin Trading Limited located in #18B, Russia Blvd., Phnom Penh to quarry limestone for cement production in East Toukmeas...

  • Survey of Cambodian public opinion (January 2007)

    The survey was conducted nationwide on a sample of 2,000 Cambodian people from 20 December 2006 to 20 January 2007 in all 24 provinces. 71 % of the respondents felt that the...

  • Survey of Cambodian public opinion (August 2009)

    The survey was conducted nationwide on a sample of 2,000 Cambodian people (400 Cambodian Muslims) from 31 July to 26 August 2009 in all 24 provinces, by the Center for Advanced...