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  • Educational management information system master plan 2014-2018

    Cambodia has considered human capital investment in the form of education as a major tool for sustainable development. Education plays a key role in achieving moral, aesthetic,...

  • Master plan for information and communication technology in education 2009-2013

    The long-term vision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is to “establish and develop human resources of the very highest quality and ethics in order to...

  • Sub-decree no. 193 on the implementation of an area of 187 (one hundred and eighty-seven) hectares in the sustainable use area of Preah Sihanouk Ream Marine National Park, Preah Sihanouk province, provided to the Ministry of National Defense

    This sub-decree is reclassified into 187 (one hundred and eighty seven) hectares in the Sustainable Use Area of Preah Sihanouk Ream National Park on an investment area of part...

  • Sub-decree no. 202 on land adjustment of sub-decree no 95 dated 20 may 2022 on reconstruction of 69-hectares 99 Ares in Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province

    This sub-decree was amended to cover the area of sub-decree no. 95 dated May 20, 2022 from 69 hectares 99 Ares to 9 hectares 47 Ares 54 centi-Ares in geography of Ream commune,...

  • Sub-decree no. 200 on the land reclassification of 29 hectares, 18 Ares and 79 centi-Ares in Sangkat Prey Thum, Kep city, Kep province from state public land to state private land and give ownership to the people

    This sub-decree reclassifies of land 29 hectares, 18 Are, 58 centi-Are, located in Thmei village, Sangkat Prey Thum, Kep City, Kep Province, from state public land to state...

  • Sub-decree no. 195 on land reclassification of 514 hectares, 07 Ares and 58 centi-Ares in Peak Snaeng commune, Angkor Thum district, Siem Reap province

    This sub-decree covers the land cutting on the area of 514 hectares, 07 Ares and 58 centi-Ares, located in Khting village, Peak Sneng Chas village and Sandan village, Peak...

  • Press release on 3 indigenous communities to receive communal land titles

    Three indigenous villages comprising 329 families in the northeast region of Cambodia have been granted communal land titles by the Royal Government, the first to be issued in...

  • Sustaining Cambodia’s development miracle - what next?

    Cambodia has travelled a long distance on its development journey – (growth, human development, poverty reduction, gender equity, healthcare, and education). But the distance...

  • Inter-ministerial Prakas no. 760 on royalty rates on mineral products and royalties payment procedures

    All concessionaires except the exploration and mining licenses (referred to as "concessionaires") must pay the state a royalty on the value of the mineral products (or...

  • Women and the City: Examining the gender impact of violence and urbanisation

    This report uses participatory methods to measure safety developed by a range of organisations in the “safe cities movement” to document the lives of women whose knowledge and...

  • Cambodia women report 2004: A brief on the situation of women in Cambodia

    This report has indicated that there are many obstacles on the road to complete empowerment for women in Cambodia. At times the study has sought to highlight the despicable such...

  • Convention on elimination of all form of descrimination against women

    The Convention defines discrimination against women as "...any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or...

  • Law Adopting the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

    This Law states about the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women that Cambodia adopted on August 11, 2009.

  • The 2011 report on democracy, election and reform in Cambodia

    This annual report takes a comparative approach in asking, what changed in comparison to previous years? Did the political system of Cambodia progress toward a consolidated...

  • Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and its optional protocol

    Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is often referred to as the “women’s rights treaty”. This is deliberate because, although all...

  • Coming out in the Kingdom Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Cambodia

    This report, Coming out in the Kingdom: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Cambodia, is an output of the LGBT Rights Project implemented by the...

  • Gender and REDD+: an assessment in the Oddar Meanchey community forestry REDD+ site, Cambodia

    The importance of integration of gender in sustainable forest management has been proven through decades of research and experience. By contrast, consideration of gender in the...

  • Monitoring aid effectiveness from a gender perspective: Country report Cambodia

    This Cambodia country case study on Monitoring Aid Effectiveness from a Gender Perspective was part of a broader international study led by UN Women and supported by the Office...

  • Law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia

    The law aims to establish an open, transparent, predictable and favorable legal framework to attract and promote quality, effective and efficient investments by Cambodian...

  • Supporting the monitoring of aid effectiveness from a gender perspective, key findings and recommendations

    The report assesses how far Cambodia has progressed in terms of the inclusion of a gender perspective in their aid effectiveness processes and to what extent CSOs participate...