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111 datasets found

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  • Report of actual revenue and expenditure of municipal/district /khan administration in the Kingdom of Cambodia (2015-2020)

    The report compares the actual revenue and expenditure with the estimated revenue and expenditure for a given period of time. The report also shows the deviation of the budget a...

  • Access to water and sanitation

    Data show the share of the population having access to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene by service type. Based on the WHO/UNICEF JMP, For drinking water, the service leve...

  • Civil registration service

    This dataset provides information on public services on civil status services, which are listed along with service fees, process (working days), validity, and competent institut...

  • Death rate attributed to unsafe sanitation, unsafe water and unavailability of handwashing facility

    This dataset contains information on mortality rates per 100,000 people in Cambodia related to unsafe sanitation and unsafe water and unavailability of handwashing facilities. T...

  • Death attribute to particulate matter (PM) air pollution in Cambodia (1990 - 2019)

    This dataset shows the death rate attributed to air pollution caused by particulate matter in Cambodia, with the number of death, percentage, and the mortality rate per 100,000 ...

  • Health facilities in Cambodia (2010)

    This dataset details information on health facilities such as national hospital, health posts, health centers, referral hospitals and operation districts in Cambodia. The data i...

  • Contact numbers of the​ fourteen inspection de la police khan in Phnom Penh, administrative police posts in Takhmao city, Siem Reap and Prey Veng

    This dataset shows the telephone numbers of police for people to contact when facing problems, including the contact details of 14 district deputy commissioner of police, 14 dis...

  • Access to clean fuel and technology for cooking

    This dataset contains data of the annual share of the population having access to clean fuel and technology for cooking and GDP data from 2000 to 2016. This dataset was extracte...

  • Particulate matter (PM) 2.5 air pollution exposure in Cambodia

    This dataset contains data related to air pollution of the mean annual exposure of particulate matter (PM) 2.5 in the air from 1990 to 2017. This data set was extracted from the...

  • Identification services

    This dataset shows information about the public services on identification services including Civil registration and Identification from Ministry of Interior of Cambodia.

  • Health facilities​ signed agreement for occupational risk scheme (NSSF)

    This dataset provides the location and contact detail information of health facilities that signed the agreement for occupational risk scheme with the National Social Security F...

  • Pesticide trade in Cambodia

    This dataset contains record information of the quantity and value of pesticide trade in Cambodia: import quantity 1996-2016, import value 1961-2016, and export quantity and val...

  • Reserved hospitals for COVID-19 in capital city and provinces in Cambodia

    This dataset shows the list of reservations for CODVID-19 in capital city and provinces in Cambodia, issued by the General Department of Clean Water of the Ministry of Industry ...

  • List of Sub-National Spokespersons in Cambodia

    This dataset contains the record information of subnational spokespersons along with their position, institution, and phone number. This list was extracted from the Royal govern...

  • Waste management in Phnom Penh (2000-2017)

    This dataset contains the record information of waste disposal of municipal, medication, and industries which were extracted entirely from the "Phnom Penh Waste Management Strat...

  • Services delivery at health center

    This dataset shows information about the public services such as outpatient consultation services (mother, newborn, child and reproductive health services; communicable diseases...

  • Food prices in Cambodia

    This dataset is excerpted from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs stores the data on HDX website, which shows food prices in all 25 provinces in the Kingdom...

  • Targeted districts of the implementation plan for the social accountability framework (ISAF)

    This the spatial representation of the districts which have been selected to implement the implementation plan for the social accountability framework (I-SAF) by 5 NGOs, namely ...

  • Contact list of the police commissioners in Cambodia

    This dataset contains information regarding the identity and contact number of the police commissioners in Cambodia.

  • Families affected by climate hazards 2016

    This dataset contains records of number of families affected by climate hazards comprising storm, flood and drought in 2016 at province level, which was extracted from Climate C...