Geographical relief of Cambodia
This dataset describes the georelief (elevation) of Cambodia. Data were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas Working Group.
Greater Mekong Subregion rivers
A geospatial dataset mapping river systems in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Attributes include: name of river, name of basin, name of sub-basin, Strahler number.
Assessment of undiscovered copper resources in Cambodia
Deposits, prospects, and permissive tracts for porphyry and sediment-hosted copper resources Cambodia, with estimates of undiscovered copper resources. Copper resources are...
Eastern plains protected landscape (EPL) in Cambodia
This dataset describes the eastern plains landscape (EPL), which covers an area over 30,000 square kilometers and spans four provinces (Ratank Kiri, Mondul Kiri, Kratie and...
Wetlands in Cambodia
This dataset contains information of land areas and location of wetlands in Cambodia which was downloaded from World Food Programme GeoNode (WFPGeoNode) using data in 2013 from...
River network of Viet Nam
A geospatial dataset mapping river systems in Viet Nam. Attributes include: name of river, name of basin, name of sub-basin, Strahler number.
Protected areas and forests (2013)
This datasset provides boundaries, land size and status of protected areas in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. Data were provided...
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-17 - Module 3 Weather & Natural Environment, Natural Shrubs Section Prod2
This is the Natural Shrubs section from Module 3 Weather & Natural Environment in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
Hydro basins level 6: Mekong
Hydro-basins provide hydrographic data layers that allow for the derivation of watershed boundaries for any given location based on the near-global, high-resolution SRTM digital...
Greater Mekong Subregion hydropower dams
A dataset containing known operational and planned hydropower dams in the Greater Mekong Subregion compiled by International Rivers and published in June 2014. Dams data are...
Vietnam Aqueduct Atlas
The Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (Aqueduct) is a robust communication tool that represents water-related risk through hydrological indicators. The framework comprises of 12...
สมุดแผนที่ความเสี่ยงของท่อระบายน้ำเป็นเครื่องมือสื่อสารที่มีประสิทธิภาพซึ่งแสดงถึงความเสี่ยงที่เกี่ยวข้องกับน้ำผ่านทางตัวชี้วัดทางอุทกวิทยา กรอบการนำเสนอประกอบด้วยตัวชี้วัดจำนวน...
Prey Lang protected forest and biodiversity conservation area
This dataset shows the proposed boundary of the Prey Lang protected forest and biodiversity conservation area. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as...
Prek Toal bird sanctuary biosphere reserve
The Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary Biosphere Reserve is represented in this dataset. Dataset provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas Working...
World Development Indicators
World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), 2015.
GMS Aqueduct Atlas
The Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (Aqueduct) is a robust communication tool that represents water-related risk through hydrological indicators. The framework comprises of 12...
Erosion Risk
This dataset shows the risk of erosion around within the Greater Mekong Region, from low to high. Erosion and sedimentation by water involves the process of detachment,...
Total precipitation monthly
The Monthly Summaries of Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)-Daily is a dataset derived from GHCN-Daily. The data are produced by computing simple averages or monthly...
Vegetation Health Index
The satellite-based global VH System is designed to monitor, diagnose and predict long- and short-term land environmental conditions and climate-dependent socioeconomic...
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Vietnam
This dataset presents the continental terrain surface of Viet Nam. Dem resolution is 30 m per pixel.
You can also access this registry using the API (see คู่มือ API).