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46 datasets found

บทความ: Forest industry

  • Major foreign investment projects in Cambodia


  • Foreign Investment in Laos by Industry


  • Understanding timber flows and control in Cambodia in the Context of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT)

    The report of a study to improve the understanding of timber flows in Cambodia and to understand the roles of the government agencies involved in the control of the timber...

  • Myanmar industry profile

    The annual rate of deforestation in Myanmar was 1.2% for the period 1990-2015 (FAO, 2015) with rapid expansion of commercial agriculture, alongside legal and illegal logging,...

  • Country Forest Note : Vietnam

    This Country Forest Note (CFN) provides an upstream analysis of the status of forests and of investments and policies relevant to the forest sector in Vietnam. It looks at...

  • Serial Offender: Vietnam’s continued imports of illegal Cambodian timber

    This report details how investigators found that while the nature of the illicit trade had changed, there are still huge volumes of illegally logged and traded Cambodian timber...

  • Discussions on Linkages between REDD+ and FLEGT in Lao PDR

    This is the first technical meeting between key FLEGT and REDD+ stakeholders in Lao PDR to understand and brainstorm on potential practical synergies between the two initiatives...

  • The FLEGT Asia Regional Support Programme: EU Support for Improved Forest Governance in Asia

    This publication presents the progress, achievements and some examples of initiatives where the EU is working closely with partners across Asia. FLEGT Asia complemented other...

  • Overview on Lao-EU FLEGT VPA Process

    Presentation slides by Heiko Woerner, Chief Technical Adviser GIZ, Support to the Lao-EU FLEGT Process (ProFLEGT)

  • Resources and Rules of the Game: Participation of Civil Society in REDD+ and FLEGT-VPA Processes in Lao PDR

    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) aims to achieve its purpose by working across multiple sectors and involving multilevel actors in reducing...

  • Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations, Timber Processing and Trade Annex

    This publication is produced by TRAFFIC and WWF's Global Forest and Trade Network.

  • The Role of Social Safeguards in Addressing Forest Governance in FLEGT and REDD+

    This presentation seeks to demonstrate how social safeguards can provide opportunities to address the forest governance challenges faced by FLEGT and REDD+. It discusses the...

  • Myanmar Imposes Export Ban To Stop Its Timber From Foreign Exploitation, Goal Is To Establish Domestic Wood-Processing Industry

    Myanmar's government is putting an end to its timber exports in the first step of a project to establish a domestic wood-processing industry that will dramatically boost revenue...

  • พระราชบัญญัติ เลื่อยโซ่ยนต์ พ.ศ. 2545

    เหตุผลในการประกาศใช้พระราชบัญญัติฉบับนี้คือ โดยที่ปัจจุบันการอนุรักษ์ทรัพยากรป่าไม้โดยเฉพาะการป้องกันและปราบปรามการลักลอบตัดไม้ทําลายป่าไม่อาจประสบผลสําเร็จได้ตามเป้าหมาย สาเหตุ...

  • Myanmar Country Environmental Analysis: Forest Resources Sector Report

    This report analyzes the underlying challenges, builds on international best practice, and makes recommendations on the forest sector in Myanmar.

  • Vietnam Forestry Outlook Study

    Vietnam Forestry outlook study is a part of The Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS), which is a wide-ranging initiative to gather information on, and examine,...

  • Timber Legality Assurance System of Cambodia

    Presentation slides emphasizing the importance of having laws, regulations and clear policy as stated in the NFP in cooperation with EU to develop FLEGT-VPA

  • Annual review of REDD+ activities in Laos 2010

    The report is about the role REDD has played in project development in the forest sector in Laos. Since 2009, a number of projects have come into existence under facilitation of...

  • Impacts of the Laos Log and Sawnwood Export Bans

    In May 2016, the Government of Lao PDR enacted a Prime Ministerial Order (PM15) which, along with other commitments, aimed to help control the country’s high deforestation rates...

  • อุปทานที่มีศักยภาพในการแข่งขัน: นโยบายเกี่ยวกับป่าไม้ของประเทศไทย ภาคการเพาะปลูกและการส่งออกสินค้าโภคภัณฑ์เชื่อมโยงกับประเทศจีน

    การศึกษานี้เกี่ยวกับภาคป่าไม้ของไทยนี้ได้รับมอบหมายจากศูนย์วิจัยป่าไม้ระหว่างประเทศและแนวโน้มป่าไม้ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของความพยายามที่กว้างขึ้นในการแก้ไขช่องว่างข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับอุตสาห...

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